Chapter. 10

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Dustfinger walked to the baseball Diamond, not saying a word. When we were close enough to see home plate, still nothing.
"Wow. . . I've only heard you say seventeen words today. I've never heard so few words come from your mouth." He got to the grass where we usually meet, set me down, dropped my shoes and coat and looked through his backpack, frowning. "Dang it! I must have given Farid the bag with the clothes in it. . . Either Farid will come back with your clothes or when he comes back, I'll give you some dry clothes from the backpack. Okay?" I nodded. I wasn't freezing until Dustfinger put me down.
He must have been keeping me warm. I must have been shivering, because he came over to me, sat down, pulled me onto his lap and held me tightly. I felt his warmth all over, again.
"Ah. . ." I sighed, it made me sleepy.
"Stay awake until Farid comes back with warm, dry clothes. . . I think you'll already catch a cold."
I smirked.
"I'm fine. . . Your keeping , me warm for now. Why is it that dudes are a lot hotter than me?" He looked at me with a face like a ghost, with his mouth and eyes wide open. I, then, realized what he thought I meant. "No! No, it's not what you think! I meant body heat! Body heat!" I explained.
He chuckled.
"Well, I-"
"Lexi! Dustfinger! I'm here! I'm here!" Rang out Farid's voice. He was running toward us, until he saw that I was sitting on Dustfinger's lap. I smiled, got up and started running over to Farid, but I didn't get far. Dustfinger had grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down on his lap.
"Farid. . . Come here, sit down and take off the backpack." Dustfinger ordered and Farid obeyed. Farid sat in front of us and took off the bag. Dustfinger lifted me up, put me on Farid's lap, grabbed his arms, wrapped them around me and started looking in the bag for clothes that might fit me.
"Farid?" He looked down at me.
"Can you please hold me tighter? I'm getting colder rather then warmer."
"Oh! Yeah!" He held me tighter and I could smell the fire and sweets, again. I don't know who smells better. Dustfinger, who smells like outside and fire, or Farid, who smells like fire and sweets? I snuggled  into Farid, but then I got a shirt thrown in my face.
"Put that on. . . You'll get a lot warmer if you put warm clothes on."
"Where am I supposed to change, then?"
They looked around and since I was so close to him, I could see Farid blushing. Dustfinger pulled a blanket out of the bag and held it up.
"How am I supposed to hold that while I change?"
They ended up holding the blanket up for me while I changed. I was just scared of one of them taking a peek, so I kept looking at them to see. "Am I supposed to take off all my clothes?"
"Yes. . . Now, hurry up, my arms are getting tired."
'I don't wanna take off my bra and undies! What do I do?!' "Even my bra and undies?!" Farid jumped a little.
"If they are wet, then yes." Dustfinger told me. But when I looked up again, Farid couldn't help but look at me over the blanket to see what I was talking about. All I was wearing was my bra and undies.
"Farid! Stop looking!" I screamed while trying to cover as much as I could. He turned away as fast as he could, blushing.
I sighed. I walked out when I was fully changed, in the big clothes that is. I think these were clothes I got for Dustfinger because the jeans were way too long for my legs and the T-shirt was almost like a shirt I would go to bed in.
"These are too big. . ."
"Well. . . Would you rather wear clothes that are too small?" He just wrapped my wet clothes up in the blanket. I was still cold, but I didn't care. I put my shoes back on and, even though I didn't want to, I put my coat back on and gave Dustfinger back his.
"Ah! It feels good to be in dry clothes. . . But I wish I could still wear your coat." I pouted.
"Why? You want me to freeze, too?" That made me smile.
"No! It smells like you. You smell like fire and I love the smell of fire." He smirked. I turned to look at Farid with my hands behind my back. "Well. . . Farid smells like fire, too." I whispered.
He smiled at me, so he must have heard me.
"Well, now that you've changed, I think your family would be happy to see you, again."
"No! I don't wanna go back! Please. . . Let me stay with you two a little longer. . ." I said.
With them was the only place I feel like myself. I'm usually scared of what other people will think, but since Farid and Dustfinger are here, I can do anything and they wouldn't care. Farid, then, came over, wrapped his arms around me and set his chin on top of my head. Yeah, I didn't know he was that much taller then me.
"Let her stay a little longer. . . She doesn't want to go back yet. Please, Dustfinger?" He sighed. He's most likely sick and tired of Farid always taking my side on stuff.
"Okay, okay. . . But, if she get's sick, its not my fault." I pulled away from Farid, ran over to Dustfinger and wrapped my arms around him.
"Thanks! Do you two even know what its like to leave home for a little bit and never wanna go back?" Farid looked away, while Dustfinger shrugged.
"I bet Farid has. . . What am I saying? I know he has."
"Hey! You would be like that if you were me in that stupid story!"
I nodded.
"Yes, yes. . . Anyone would. . . Sorry I reminded you of that, again." I whispered. We walked and talked and walked some more and talked some more. But the day pasted on so quickly and just like that, the sun was down and I was falling asleep. The minuet I yawned, Farid got me on his back, but I didn't fall asleep until I was on Dustfinger's back, instead.
I had gotten too heavy for poor Farid, he tried, but he just couldn't do it. They, for the first time, realized that I talked in my sleep.
"Lexi. . . Who am I?" Farid kept asking. He liked hearing me say his name in my sleep.
"Farid. . ." I whispered. He started jumping up and down, clapping. Until he heard something he didn't like all that much. "Dustfinger. . . Come back! Please! Come back!" I almost started crying.
"Great. . . She even dreams about me!" Dustfinger sighed. My hands had tightened they're grip on his shoulders and I started crying. Oh, yes. . . The tears were flowing.
"No! No. . . Stop! Don't go!" I started crying and screaming in my sleep. Right away, he put me down and tried waking me up. It took awhile, but they got me awake.
"Lexi! Wake up! Your having a bad dream!"
"No!" I screamed as I shot up and almost hit my head on they're heads. I looked at them, scared to death of my dream I just woke up from. I was breathing heavily, sweating like I just came out of a pool. Dustfinger was the closest one, so I hugged him, almost knocking him over. He just smoothed my hair as I cried into the nape between his shoulder and neck. Farid just stared, not caring that I was clinging to Dustfinger instead of himself. He just wanted me to stop crying, and not in a mean way.
"Hey. . . Your alright, your fine. . . . It was just a dream." He soothed. I was holding onto him like if I ever let go of him, he would be gone forever.
"Lexi. . . What did you dream about?" Farid ask.
"I. . . I don't remember. . ." But Dustfinger knew better, he knew I remembered it very well since I was still shaking with fear. He knew that, by the way I was gripping him, I dreamed of something bad that happened to himself. "Please, I don't. . . I don't wanna leave tonight, I wanna sleep with you two. Please, Dustfinger?" I whispered to where only he could hear me.
"Okay. . . Now, who would you like to go tell your family?" I just hugged him even tighter, and wouldn't let go. I don't know what happened to Farid, but when I finally pulled away, he was gone. "Are you alright, now?" I laid my head down on his chest.
"I guess. . . You know what I dreamed about, don't you?"
"You dreamed about me leaving you or dieing, am I right?" I looked up at him.
"I dreamed about a masked man killing me, but you just left me. . . Just walked away until the masked man shot you with a gun. I wasn't dead yet, the man wanted to watch me suffer, wanted me to watch you die before I died. Right before you and Farid woke me up, he was standing above me and he started taking off his mask, but you woke me up before I could see who he was. . . All I remember about him was his eyes. They were so dark that they looked almost black. But when he was taking off his mask, one eye started to turn more white. Like he was half good, but also half evil."

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