Part - 1:That Strange Encounter.

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By- Otaku-cat011


Where am I? I asked myself as I felt myself submerged in something cold, it sure was soothing indeed but, what was it? I could not feel my limbs, numb and then I felt short of breath,'What! I can't breathe!' I thought to myself as I tried to open my eyes. A hazy blue light flashed in front of me. My mind was in a daze. I could soon feel suffocated as I closed my eyes again. I was underwater! The water was salty or rather, too salty, was I drowning? Was I in the sea? I was not sure, but in that moment when I opened my eyes, in that hazy blue light, I saw a girl, she was all pink, with a gown. But she was surely not human. "Wh-who are-" I tried asking but, it was no use, one can't talk underwater. I think I lost my consciousness then.

The next time I opened  my eyes, I was at a sea shore. A sudden painful contraction in my chest made me cough out seawater. My mind was still blurred, I sat up and looked around. There were huge grasslands and a huge cape nearby too. That cape seemed to be shining many radiant colours, all wonderful in their our way like gems. I walked into the grassland, I could still see nothing. I turned to look into the sky. My eyes widened in shock,"What!?" There were six moons in the the morning sky! "But that's not even possible!Am I on an alien planet?"I said. But what choice did I have? So, I kept on walking. I was feeling very exhausted I did not want to faint again, I wanted to go home I wanted to... 'Wait...who am I again?' I asked myself.I was quite not sure, I could not recall my name or my home, family or friends, did I even have them?'where is my home? Who are my family!?' I started to panic. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I walked faster. I kept on mumbling ""

Just then, to my delight, I spotted a building, it seemed like a school with a pond in front of it, a huge bell handing on two gigantic poles. I felt saved, I thought I could find people there. I ran inside to search for someone.As  I walked on, I heard an anonymous voice.

"ugh! Phos! get off of me!"

" No! Help me with my encyclopedia! Tell her to help me Euclaise!"

"My my! Now don't be like that Jade. Why Don't you help him?"

I could understand the language! I felt saved! I ran excited towards those voices and called out,"Is anyone there!?" I could see three shining figures there at a distance. But I guess, my excitement was short lived. Those three sure were pretty but, surely they were not human. They had their hair shining like crystals, one was a bright blue with short hair, one was a shining green and the third was a shining grey on the left and a shining sky blue on the right. Even their eyes were the same colour, they looked like humanoid, moving, talking gems. They looked at me in shock as I quickly took a step back. But I bumped into something hard. I turned around to see a tall girl with super long crystal black hair , black eyes, with a red shade and an angry look. She was the same as those three, like a walking-talking gem. "I thought I saw an unusual thing walking into the school." She said as she drew out a sword," You can't fool us you lunarian!!" and she got ready to strike. "WAIT!!! NO!!" I shouted. I clenched my teeth and raised my arms in front of me as a guard. I closed my eyes and waited for my demise.

Nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a bald man in a monk dress up, he was huge. He had stopped he attack. I relaxed my muscles and looked at the man, he looked like a human but I knew I could trust nobody. That man looked at me with pure shock as if he had seen a ghost.

"A human!?" he said. Astonished.

The moment the others heard this, they were shocked too. The girl with the black hair lowered her sword,"human?" she said. I took the moment to gather up my energy and escape. I ran for it, I dodged the trio as they stood watching. "knock her down!" Said the bald man. I gasped,'no!' I said to myself as I saw a light blue glimmer, it was the gem with grey and blue hair. I turned in shock,"How can you be so fas-" I was silenced as I felt a dash of overwhelming pain on my neck. My vision blurred, I felt my throat clogged, I could feel my senses fade as I collapsed into the arms of the gem.


Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this part of the story!

SAYONARA! Until next time!

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