Part-2: Into The World Of The Unknown.

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Author's note:

Hello there readers! So, I realized that next week, I will not be able to upload the part two. So, here I am! I am uploading it now, so you don't have to wait for two weeks!




By- Otaku-cat011


'I can't end up like this, I want to find a place where I belong... wait, do I even belong anywhere?' I thought to myself as I opened my eyes and sat up. I was on a warm bed. The windows on the right side give a view of the breathtaking night sky with its six moons. The grasslands danced on the symphony of the wind, the butterflies fluttering along with the tunes and the stars that shined like rubies. I found myself submerged in the beauty of the night. "About time you got up." I heard an anonymous voice, I turned to my left side to see that girl with long black hair. 'Ah, that's right... I ended up in a strange place...didn't I?' I said nothing, I only sat there, admiring that black beauty shining in the candle light. She gave me a cold stare as if telling me to stop staring, well I guess it must be creepy. I flinched. She gave out an 'oh' as I saw her eyes widen a bit and herself standing up. "I-I did not mean to scare you, please forgive me. I was concerned for you since you were quite injured." She said. She reached out her hand to me, as if to touch my cheek but she stopped. "I am very sorry, it appears now you are really scared...why would you not be scared... I pointed the sword at you...and you see, my face is like that...not my fault I look scary..." she said looking aside.

I realized how impolite I was being, so I spoke up"N-no! Please

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I realized how impolite I was being, so I spoke up"N-no! Please...It's alright...please don't apologize...I am the one who should be asking  for your forgiveness. For not realizing your concern, that is..." I said as I shrugged. "C-can I ask a question?" I stuttered again. "Sure, go on!" She said. "Right..." I gulped a fear,"W-what are you people?" I asked. I was expecting a cold gaze, but rather I saw a gentle look. "We are gems!" she said warmly. "Gems!?" I let out a gasp.

"Yes! And I am bortz, from the carbon family, and a part of the diamond group. I have the moh's scale of 10 and an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal system. A lot of chemistry huh?" She said smiling. I was amazed by her answer," Wow! You must be the strongest among the diamond group...." I said, amazed. She looked amazed by my answer, "you know?!" She asked." Yes I seem to know about gems a little.." I replied, maybe I was wrong about this place. Bort seemed to be quite friendly and accepting. " OH! My bad!" She said,"So, what should I call you?" She asked.

 " OH! my name is-" I halted at the sudden realization. "hm?" Said Bort smiling and eager to listen to my reply."I-I can't remember...." I said. "Huh?" Said Bort in shock. "Amnesia maybe? Did you lose your parts? But I don't see any broken limbs or cracks...."

"No...I can't break, I am a human....moreover how does breaking link with memory loss?"

"Well our memories are stored in our bodies...every atom holds memories, when they break, we loose them..."

" I see..."

"Don't worry, try to remember. I'll call Rutile, He will examine you... Then, see you friend, its almost time for my petrol." She waved as she walked away."Bye Bort..." I said.

Soon I heard footsteps, It was another gem with brown and yellow crystal hair he was holding a tray of food,"hi there!" He said. "you'r up I see... Bort told me about the scenario here." I looked up, he sure had a handsome sparkling face.

"hi" I said. "So then let me change your bandages! Then eat up! we don't know what humans eat because we feed on the sunlight...but..please help yourself!" He said. "Now then...please take off your shirt." He said smiling. "huh?" I said.'me? Here? In front of him?' I thought."Now then...pretty please!" he said...'uh oh...' 

looks like I am in trouble

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looks like I am in trouble....


Hi people! Thank you for reading and please suggest a nick name for reader-chan!

Rutile the mad scientist... like Hanji zoe

uffff...I am too much into chemistry
So then...

sayonara! until next time!

next week!

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