Part 14- A Diamond Heart

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I still have no Idea why I am putting on random pictures for my story parts...
Your (Y/N) pov
I woke up early that day to see all of them in front of me, giving me their thanks for saving Cinnabar. An enchanting feeling it sure was for me. We all decided to go out on a picnic that day. Me and Rutile shared a loving moment together too. Mesmerising. Despite my troublesome past, I wanted to treasure my every moment with them, with Rutile. I knew that I'd already fallen for him. He was always so kind and generous to me. I surely loved him with all my heart. I did not want to go away. But, maybe my fate is just so cruel to me.
As we were walking in the grasslands, I saw Cinnabar and the others giggle and play together. So I decided to join them. It all happened so soon, I didn't even have time to think.
Rutile had something to tell me. As I walked towards him, I actually could not listen to all that he was saying but I knew he was desperate to tell me that.
I walked closing the gap between us and on that very moment, I felt an overwhelming wave of pain near my chest. Something very sharp went across it. It was an Arrow. I started falling, on my face. But another arrow struck my right shoulder turning me slighly towards the left. I winced in pain. I shouted, but my words won't come out. It was blood that was spilled everywhere. 'Is this it? Am I going to die? Just like this?' As my vision blurred, I saw Rutile run towards me. Calling out my name. Before I knew, I was in his arms. I just couldn't make out what he was saying. With my left off energy, I gave him my gratitude, told him how much he means to me. And then, simply slept a sleep I was destined to never wake up from.

Rutile's pov
'NO... I COULDN'T EVEN SAY it!' the thought was driving me crazy. She said she would die, but, this definitely is too soon! No, I couldn't let her go. Not at any costs. That day, I slaughtered every lunarian myself on that sunspot. I picked her up and removed all that extra blood. Bandaged her shoulder. I couldn't stop myself from crying. 'I am so pathetic. I even said those words and... Still couldn't save her.' No, I had to do something. I reached out my ear and placed it on her upper chest. "What is this?" I sprung up. Then again, I bent myself to crosscheck. I could hear her breathe. She was breathing, even though her heart stopped. She was using her mind to circulate blood throughout her body. But she can't keep it up without a heart.
I knew what I had to do. I took out that punctured heart and decided to replace it. With a heart made up of gems. Well, I had my selfish desire in it too. It would turn her immortal. She won't die, or age until she is killed. I spend the next week preparing models and testing them, without sleep or anything. She was alive, but a lot of energy was being used on what she was doing.
After a few days, I prepared a heart, one made up of different gems, I even put in a part of myself so that it could function properly. Finally, on the 6th day, It was finally time I put it into work. I carefully put in the heart made up of softened gems. It was beating. Yet.
She still didn't wake up.

Y/N pov-
Its dark, and cold. I can feel myself float in nothingness. Clenched in a ball, not knowing where to go, I am scared. I want to see Rutile. I want him to pull me out. Its cold. Its scary.
Wait, its becoming warm. What is this. "Tanzenite!" who? Who Are you calling out for Rutile. I know this is your voice. I remember it, but I don't know who I am or... Wait... Wasn't I suppose to be dead? But, it feels warm, maybe he's trying to save me.
But it's no use. I will die anyway.
"Fight on."
Huh? Who's that? Its a kind feminine voice but who is this person? I've heard it before. This kind lady who I used to spend a lot of time with. Maybe these were her last words...
"Don't give up Tanzie!"
Phos? But where are you?
"Don't die on me (Y/N) Karoline!"
I don't want to part from them, didn't I treasure them? So i will fight on, to see them again, i will give it my all. Let me live... Please... Just this once.

I will fight.

Rutile's pov-
I was loosing hope. I was such a failure, first my brother then, my love. I sat there, helpless. "You've done so much, don't go on feeling empty." I heard sensei. Everyone was there. "That's right, you have done so much for everyone of us." said Bort. Tears rolled down my eyes. I smiled, "Right..." I said. I prepared to bury her body. I cleaned the surroundings, changed her into a fresh pair of clothes, but by respecting her liking. I did not see her naked body, I know it is forbidden unless she says so. I closed the wound by stitching it up. But to my surprise, it healed itself.
"Wait! She's coming back!"
I shouted.
Just then, she slowly opened her eyes.

A lesson by professor Zest!

A/nA lesson by professor Zest!

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God... Why am I writing short chapters....

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