Part 12- Tanzenite.

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*This part is in Rutile's Pov.*
Tanzenite was a little down since she came back from the cape where Cinnabar lived. After all that happened, even I was kind of sad. The whole day she looked spaced out I was starting to get worried. At night, after making sure she had her food, I made my way to my office to fix some final bits of Zircon, he cracked himself during a battle today.

"Hi Zircon, feeling any better yet?" I asked as I closed the door behind me

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"Hi Zircon, feeling any better yet?" I asked as I closed the door behind me. He shifted a little inside his futon, "Yup... Thanks Rutile." He replied. "That's good!" I said feeling relaxed. I walked onto him and picked up some of the powder. "Zircon, come on now, sit up, I will powder you." I said. He sniffled in the futon and slowly got up. It appears it still hurts him a little. He actually jumped up to protect Yellow Diamond, putting himself up as a shield. Yellow was saved, but the impact from the arrows of the lunarians cracked his head, which made it to fall off. I am sure he was in terrible pain. I decided to let him rest a little longer after I powder him up.
The door behind had a knock, three times. "Yes? Please come in." I said. The door opened, It was Yellow who stood at the door, probably worried about Zircon. "Hi Zircon, Rutile... Is he alright?" she asked. "Yup!" I said, then I smacked his knee to show his hardness. "Ouch! Rutile!" he whined. "All Better!" I said with a cheerful smile, feeling proud of yet another splendid work of mine.
"By the way... Rutile, shouldn't you be with Tanzenite? You are obsessed with her..." said Yellow. "I won't say that, Rather, I find her fascinating." I corrected her. "I want to be by her side," I lowered my head in realization, "Until she dies... That is." I said. There it came, one of Yellow's beautiful and inspiring smiles. "Then, don't wait." she said and left. Then don't wait? What does that even mean?
"Tell her." I heard Zircon from under his futon. I turned to him. "Tell her?" I asked. "You know... Tell her how you feel." He shifted, then got up, "That's what senpai ment." he smiled. I guess, that was what I was looking for. I smiled at myself. "Right, I will, thanks Zircon." I said and prepared to leave.

I heard hurried footsteps, heavy footsteps. What's going on? The doors opened, Cinnabar busted in. My eyes grew shocked at the view that I witnessed. Cinnabar was holding Tanzenite in her arms, heavily breathing and in a state of panic. Tanzenite, unconscious and all red. Everything started to become crazy for me, the words she once spoke to us, 'I am fated to die.' started to storm my brain. I instantly took her in my arms, picking her up and making sure not to put much strain on her body, I placed her down on a bed. I quickly began searching for a pulse and if she was breathing. Fortunately, she was. Apparently, she had exhausted herself to a feverish complexion and had gone unconscious. I turned to look at Cinnabar, she was cracked a little. "Cinnabar, are you alright? What happened?" I asked. Then, I suddenly realized, she did not have poison around her. "What happened to.... Your... Poison?" I asked in disbelief. "She saved me! She helped me gain control over my poison... Just so that I could stay with my family." she explained. "She did what!?" I asked astounded by her reply. It was almost unbelievable, only an experienced genius could connect every atom to one's mind. 'Could she have... Maybe used her blood?' I thought. Even so... It must've been very exhausting. "I don't know what happened to her! She collapsed!" said Cinnabar in worry. I went onto her and carefully lifted her shirt. Careful enough to not expose much, I know she doesn't like it. I was astonished by what I saw next, her wounds, they all had already been healed. I get it now, she had been practicing blood cell control all this time. "What happened to her?" Asked Cinnabar. "Don't worry, this idiot saved you, damn, she didn't even care about herself. She'll be fine, most probably, she's having her memories back at this moment." I said to Cinnabar. "And most importantly..." I turned to her, "Don't you have something to take care of now that Phos won't get hurt?" I said with a smile. Cinnabar was returned to us, because of this kind girl, this wonderful girl that I fell for. "Right!" Said Cinnabar and ran off to find Phos. "I promised her that I'll find Phos and give him a hug!" she left with those words.
I sighed and turned to Tanzenite, "Now then, what should I do with you?" I whispered to her. "Confess when she wakes up." I heard Zircon. I jumped, "Whoa!  I almost forgot you are still here!" I said. I pulled out a chair and seated myself on it, peacefully watching her sleep. "I will, before it's too late."

*sorry for the short chapter*

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