part: 2.1 After humanity collapsed.

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Hi there dear readers! This part will be in third person as this will contain the plot of the series and information about the world in which the story is set up. So, yes, this contains spoilers from both the manga and the anime(as I am too much of a weeb). Please note that this part is for the people who have not seen the anime. Again, if you dislike getting spoilers, please refrain yourself from reading this part. Reading this will not affect the story in any way. The story with reader chan will go on. I am only writing this as I find the plot of the series very interesting and also hope for its increased fandom! Neither do I own Land Of The Lustrous nor do I own you.

I will be publishing my own story very soon though!



This is the story from a billion years after our present. Humanity had achieved all that was just a fiction in the past. They established connections with life forms from around the galaxy. Their technological advancements reached the summit, they made teleportation and space travel possible for even the general population.
But, the tides turned. Their power,  fame,  money and knowledge did not compare to the wrath of the universe. Earth was soon visited by six moons who took over its orbits. Due to their insane gravitational push and pull,  mankind began to collapse.  Seeing the increased deaths of many, mankind escaped to another planet to survive.
About 70 per cent of mankind managed to escape while the rest suffered the hell that got created. As the moons grew near, landmass started to compress itself. Life was not possible in these conditions,  since the atmospheric pressure increased and was too much to handle.
Life may have been wiped out, but,  as they say, life, in itself,  is INDEED EXTREMELY STRONG.
No matter what the conditions are, life learns to adapt. Same happened here,  in order to survive and again live on as human.  Not by appearance but by heart, life began to blossom again.
Humanity's remaining parts devided into three,  FLESH,  BONE AND SOUL.
Soul inhabited the skies (the lunarians) and started living on to moon as they required less dense air. Flesh inhabited the waters as they needed moisture. And finally, the classification of bone (gems) ,  inhabited the land. Due to their densities, they could not live in the sea as they would sink.
The story features the classification of the bone who are guided by a strange being they call 'sensei'(teacher). He has been taking care the gems for billions of years and loves them all dearly. He did not teach them about the long lost human knowledge even though he  existed from before the collapse. Instead,  he taught them to love and care for their fellow gems, he taught them 'real' humanity and to value their memories. The gems are not aware of the inhabitants of the sea, they only know about the people of the moons. The lunarians constantly attack the gems so as to take them and use them as decoration. However, the manga later speaks that the lunarians were actually knowledgeable and could actually create gems for themselves. Thus,  their intentions for capturing the gems was something different. Something related to the man the gems called sensei.
The franchise follows the action packed episodes of the gems as they fight against the lunarians. It also features the emptiness of not being human (which can be seen in the lunarians).

The story will cover all that was in the anime with reader-chan!
I know,  small chapter, but still, I hope you liked it.

Thank you for reading!

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