Part-4: Broken Gems, Spoken Lies

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"What? you mean Bortz is missing!" said Alex. I tried to stand up but Rutile grabbed my shoulder and pinned me down to the bed. "Look, Tanzenite, this is not your call. The outside, where Bortz has gone off to is very dangerous." He said in a very serious tone. "But, what if she's in trouble?" I said.

"Even if trouble has struck her, she can manage. She is the strongest among us." Said diamond. Rutile let loose of his grip. "Now, sleep Tanzie." he said left. I tried standing up, but felt my body heavy. Unable  to stand or even sit up straight, I fell onto the pillow. My eyes half closed, as I turned my head to see Rutile. He turned to look at me with sad eyes. "I am sorry." he said and walked away. There was something in my food, it made me lose consciousness. 'But why? They were so nice to me just now...why would they poison me?' Were the questions in my mind as I slept.

'Huh? Where am I? What....' I thought as I looked around. I was standing on a shining white ground, with a black sky everywhere and not many stars, but a blue shine among them. It was the view of planet earth when you look at it from the moon. I was shocked, astonished to the very core. I had no idea how I was so fine and breathing without an outer space suit. I was scared, I was on the moon and there was nobody for my aid. Suddenly, a man appeared before me he was all white, dressed like a prince, well spoken like a king,"My most humble greetings to you, miss .....looks li.... ...(hazy words)" I swear I heard every word but could not remember many of those.

'Where am I and and what do you wish to achieve from me?' I intended to ask, but to my surprise, I found myself mute

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'Where am I and and what do you wish to achieve from me?' I intended to ask, but to my surprise, I found myself mute. I reached out my arm to my mouth to feel it, I could open and close it, yet my voice won't come out. I took a step back. He came five steps closer, giving an evil smirk, he grabbed hold of my waist. "You must be aware that you are on the moon by now. You are alive because me and my team put on a shield around you, but as long as you are wearing cannot speak! But don't you owe us a thank you!?" 'THIS IS BAD' I said to myself. The next moment, I was on a table, held down by chains. White people with creepy smiles. They were all around me with razors and surgical knives. I gave out countless silent screams to let me free, to make those people disappear, to be freed of these chains, to be be home, but, no use. It made me pray,' Why god...why only me? What did I do to deserve this?'

All black, pitch black. I was blindfolded. But I could still feel their arms hold me down and push down my body. Right then, I felt something sharp on my belly...I could hear...voices...tears rolling down my eyes...overwhelming pain...TERROR. I let out countless silent screams. But, there was not a single soul to help me.

"Tan...nite!" I heard a voice...A familiar voice. But It was so blurred in those silent screams of mine that I did not pay attention. "Tanzenite..." I heard it again. "TANZENITE!" I heard it louder,'Who...' I thought to myself,'....Is Tanzenite?' I tried to speak.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" I felt shakes as I snapped open my eyes to see the shocked face of Rutile. I looked at myself, I was on the same bed as before. I was holding Rutile's hand tightly. I immediately let go of it. "I saw you were very troubled as you were sleeping. Perhaps did you have a nightmar-" he halted as I slapped him as hard as I could. I clenched my teeth, twisted my body to get down the bed and stood upon my two feet. He turned to me with a shocked and confused look, but I was too angry to notice. My head was hurting as if a bullet was shot through my brain. My one hand was on my head and the other was up as a guard. "You...please, you'r hurt!" said Rutile.

"SHUT UP!!" I let out a shout. I looked up at him in rage, " betrayed me! You fed me with some kind of drug did you not!? Then you sent me to that white man!" Rutile took a step closer as I took back several. He halted,"What are you taking about?" he said. "DON'T act innocent Rutile!" I was shaking violently with both rage and fear. I felt my shirt get wet. "Your wound is opening!" Exclaimed Rutile. I was breathing heavy my brain was not working as I was in terrible pain. I grabbed my waist and squeezed it to avoid blood flow, turned around and prepared to run away. I felt a hand grab mine, it was Rutile. "YOU GEMS! You sure are fast!" I shouted and tried to push him away but, no use. I was able to break free, but fell on the ground with a thud! "You seem to be confusing reality with your dreams" The impact of the fall left vibrations to travel through my waist, opening the wound even further and causing the pain to grow even more intense. "No! I ain't dreaming! It was all real. I know it! I could feel the pain, I could see their creepy smiles, their actions, their words...Its all crystal clear!" I shouted. Rutile stepped closer as I somehow stood up and backed off. I was terrified. My  leg was almost at the edge of the pond.

As I moved on, I saw the gem with grey and blue hair. "What's going on?" he asked. " Oh Euclaise...She seems to have messed up her dreams and reality...and now she is fearing me..or...fearing us..." Said Rutile. Euclaise turned towards me and I flinched. Euclaise looked shocked by my reaction," Please...there is no need to fear us!" He said as I kept on stepping back. I could feel my blood flow down my waist, then to my stomach, down to my thighs and down to my ankles."This is ridiculous!" I said." I-I don't even know who I am! I have nothing you can gain from me! I-I just wanted a place to go home to! I just want somewhere to belong to! Please!" I broke down into tears,"LET ME GO!!!" I said sobbing. Rutile stepped up,"Please Tanzie....We want to really help you! I swear we did nothing to you while you slept. So please come back are bleeding way too much!" I knew I was not mistaken. I was perfectly sure that those incidents that I mentioned were true and they really did happen to me. I was a 100 per cent sure that the incidents were no dreams. I was quacking in my boots, I was weak, all I could do was beg them to let me go. "Tanzenite! We are sorry to drug you...We understand that it was a little too much because you slept for 3 days..but please...we mean no harm!"

"LIES! THEY ARE ALL LIES!" I said shouting.

"Please just let me g-mmmf" before I could complete my words, I felt someone cover my mouth. The hand was very smooth, I could tell they were not a gem's arms. I felt my legs leave the ground as I was being lifted up. I looked down at Euclaise and Rutile as they were watching in horror.

'What? Am I being kidnapped?' I asked to myself as my altitude increased. I soon could hear a variety of traditional musical instruments and soon, I could see the same white people, all around me. My eyes opened wide in shock. My screams were again silenced. It was....terrible. I swear it was so terrifying that I could die of a heart attack.

"It's a sunspot!"


"Call for sensei! Quick!"

I could hear shouts from below. I took a peek down below.  I saw a bunch of gems down below drawing out their swords and preparing for their attacks. Among them I saw Bort. But, at this point, I did not care if she was saved...I just wanted to go away...far away... The lunarians were aiming arrows at the gems. ' me...' I let another silent scream out. A scream which nobody could hear...



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