Final chapter- Enchanted to meet you

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*Read while listening to the song.*

Its so dark in here. I wish Rutile were here. I could've told him how I loved him. A light started to glimmer in that dark place. The emptiness started to fall apart. What is this? There's light. I moved up to enter it.

I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in Rutile's warm embrace. He was holding me, he was crying. "S-she opened her eyes!" he cried out. I could see them all run towards me and cry the tears of joy. "Tanzenite! You're back!" shouted Phos and Cinnabar. Jade, Euclaise, Diamond, Bort, everyone was in tears. I felt a soft lift. Rutile lifter me up a little to hug me tighter. "Tanzenite..." He said sobbing. "I thought I lost you..." he put me down on the bed, then he lifted up my upper body. He hugged me tighter, then sniffling his face into my shoulder he said, "oh just how relieved i am..." Tears rolled down my eyes as I hugged him back."I thought I lost you!" he said. I hugged him tighter,Thanking him again and again for letting me live with him, with them. For letting me be a part of their family. "I think I may have fallen for you Tanzenite." he said with a smile. I felt butterflies in my stomach, a feeling of joy and happiness flowed through my like a current. "Thank you Rutile! I love you too! So much!" I said it back while the others clapped.
The day was a beautiful one. And so was that night.

Rutile didn't even let me walk an inch. He carried me everywhere. At night, we sat by the window together, staring at the starlight and the crescent moons. "Lovely right?" He said. "Yes." I replied. A silence filled the atmosphere. "I won't let you go again Tanzie."

"Right, I won't go Rutile."

"Oh, then, (Y/N) Karoline, please stay by me."

"Right. But, I prefer Tanzenite, it's to celebrate my new self."

"Ha, Right then, Tanzenite."

"How did you manage to save me?"

"I gave you a diamond heart." he said. I felt so light and salivated. "Thank you Rutile." I said. "It does have it's drawbacks though." he replied. "what drawbacks?"

"You lost your mortality."

I was kind of shocked, yet, it was better. "That means I get to stay with you always." I said to him with a smile. The warmth in the air increased when he put his arm across my shoulder, then to my head, turning it towards him. Closer to him, close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my face. We locked our eyes. "I love you." he said. "So do I." I replied. He kissed me on the forehead, slowly moving on to my lip. We shared our gentle first kiss. I felt flustered, and a fluffy feeling overcame me. He giggled as we parted our lips, "You are shy." he said. "And so are you." I replied. We both ended up laughing.

"I am enchanted to have met you." Said Rutile. I also, feeling blessed replied to him, "So am I, very, very fortunate to have crossed paths with you. I will love you all my life."
"So will I."

"You know..." he began, "You have a part of me inside you." I blushed, he giggled. "While making that heart, I put in a part of me in it." he concluded. I quickly hugged him. "Then, i will make sure never to lose it." I said.

Embracing each other in a warm comfort, we spent the night gazing at the stars.

otaku-cat 011 is now _ZESTALICIOUS_)

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otaku-cat 011 is now _ZESTALICIOUS_)

Rutile's pov-
Soon, she slept. I wrapped her in a warm blanket and placed her down on a comfortable bed. I too then joined her. Hugging her tight, I slept beside her, recovering my long sleep. This was my happiest day. I found LOVE.

Your pov-
I found a home, a person to love, a place to belong i found eternity. Maybe my fate was not as cruel as I thought it was. I wish I can stay with him always, and I can. Until death does us apart.

I absolutely did not think the final chapter would be this short. But then, it has been a good time with you people. Thank you for reading and have a good time!

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