Part-5 : Ironies To Tragedies

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I was in intense pain and on top of that, I was horrified. I was being carried away by the lunarians. This was extremely bad, I could not even began to imagine what kind of horrible things they'd do to me. I was losing all hope, I had lost my trust in the gems but as it seemed, I was wrong. As I opened my eyes, I saw Bort, right in front of me she was extremely angry, not at me, but at my kidnappers. She cut off the lunarians into bits. She dodged their arrows and even used her hair as long, sharp knives. I saw Diamond, Jade and a pair of twins with purple hair draw their swords and jump up to fight. I was still in the strong grasp of the lunarians. Their movements were slow, but their numbers made up to that weakness. I was in horrible pain and was slowly loosing my consciousness. But I had to keep it together, I had to stay awake...I wanted to stay alive. I wanted to watch them save me. I think that deep within, I did not want to despise them. So, I kept myself together. I prayed for my salivation, which came soon after. The sound of the lunarians was melancholy to my ears, but, between those sounds, I heard a kind voice,"Tanzie! Grab hold of my hand!" It was Rutile. He'd extended his hand for me to take it. I did nothing. But, I got shocked by the expression he made then. He made a very sad and concerned expression and then in a soft tone he requested ,"Please..."

I did not hesitate this time, I took his hand the very moment. He grabbed hold of it firmly. Tight enough to not let me go, soft enough to not hurt me. He pulled me out of the grasp of the lunarian the very moment Bort cut it off. I was let loose. Me and Rutile were in mid air staring at each other. It almost felt like time had stopped. He pulled me closer to himself. It felt like we were floating. Then, he put me in his arms and made me lean onto his chest. He then gave me gentle look as we landed, "You know, In the past 1000 years, I picked up the sword for nobody." He said with a gentle smile. I was shocked by his words,"And yes, these white people are our biggest, we really did nothing to you." he explained. I felt shaken, and sorry."Trust me..." He said. These gems, they helped me even though I was nothing to them. I felt myself tear up, this time out of guilt. I quickly hugged Rutile and kept on apologising."I-I am so sorry!" I repeated the sentence many times. But when I realized I was hugging him, I quickly let go and just sat in his arms looking away. I am pretty sure I was all red. Rutile let out a faint laugh. "Please, I know you have been through a lot, but no need to apologise. We already accepted you as one of, you do that too okay?" he said and I nodded happily. "A-and..t-that was a very cute face, the one you just made." He said. I looked at him in shock. Seeing my shocked face he let out a loud, "I-I'm sorry!" and started to wobble. He was still holding me and now he was about to lose his balance. I knew if Rutile fell on me...I was done for. But he somehow gained his balance after performing a maybe. Then he apologised again and carried me inside. "B-but the lunarians?" I questioned. He looked at me and very confidently said,"Sensei will take care of them. Now, let's treat your wounds, shall we?" I felt butterflies as I let out a shy yes.

I carefully lifted my shirt and looked at myself, I had messed myself up. The stitches were still intact, but, the string had torn out of my skin. Rutile looked both concerned and angry. "This won't do..." he said in s low voice. "I-I am extremely sorry..." I said. Then he let out a sigh and came closer. I backed off a little as he picked me up gently and lay me down on a surgical table. "Yes! this will do!" he said.Then he began cutting off the stitches. It hurt, but I think I got used to it. "Please don't move Tanzie. I will begin to stitch up your wound." I nodded and prepared myself. I closed my eyes and waited for him to begin stitching but, surprisingly, it did not hurt. I looked at Rutile,"W-what...does it hurt?" He asked shocked. "N-no, I was just surprised that it does not..." I replied. He looked content by my words,"Sensei taught me to stitch without hurting my patient."

"I see." I replied smiling. It made even more eager to meet this 'sensei' person. Looks like I did not have to wait for that. I soon saw Phos, Diamond, Bort, Alex and a bunch of them around me. Among them was that bald man with the monk dress up. I tried to atleast sit up and greet them, but Phos told me not to. "Tanzie! are you alright? You look pale."Said Phos, concerned. "I am alright Phos...Just a little tired.." I replied. The bald man set down a tray of food beside me,"Greetings Tanzenite. I am Kongo and the rest address me as Sensei. It is a pleasure to have you." He said. "Thank you for having me, I am honored. And also, I am very sorry for my behaviour." The man gave me a gentle smile and said,"It's alright, It is natural for human beings to mess up dreams when they are tired." I was not convinced by the last part of his sentence.

"No, you see sir, I am perfectly sure that those incidents were not a dream." I claimed confidently. The man thought for a moment,"Then I think you messed up the time." I was confused.'time?'

"I think I might know the answer to the question. Those incidents, were not your dreams but rather, your past, long lost memories." He said. I was shocked and convinced,"Yes...that could be the case....The incidents felt too real to be mere dreams..." I claimed. " you think that cut...Those lunarians put it on?" Said Bort. "Could be..." Said Phos, who was still beside me and refused to move."Ah!" Said Rutile snapping his fingers."Maybe they put something in there...that must be why they knew her exact location...The island we live on is huge! And more to it...they only spot us when a shiny one of us like Diamond is outside." he said. "That's right...Nobody was outside then..." Said The twins together. It made perfect sense, I was shocked and happy to know the truth. "T-then we must take it out." I said.

"No" Said sensei. "You've already lost a lot of blood...If we open it up now you may even end up dying.... So first, you must eat something." he finished. "Alright..." I said.

"See sensei! that is why I told you to let me fight! I could have saved Tanzie!" said Phos. " could have went to the moon!" Said Bort teasing him. "Ugh! Bort!" everyone burst out laughing. I also gave out a faint smile. The atmosphere lit up again."Alright Phos, come with me." Said sensei. "NOOOOO! I am staying with Tanzieeee!" Said Phos. Sensei gave out a sigh," I guess...Alright then...come to me later." he said. "I'll stay with Tanzenite too." Said Bort. "Ah! that reminds me...Where did you go that night Bort?" She looked at me, surprised," Ah...That...Me and sensei went outside to collect some herbs for that you can heal quickly and we can have fun together." she said with a slight hint of red in her face. I was moved by her words,"Thank you! I promise to heal quick!" I said happily.

That day, I decided on two things, one, to never doubt them again and two, to never let go. I knew my time with them was short, they were immortal gems andI was human...I was fated to die in about 60 years or so... But, atleast I could enjoy and discover my life until that short time was over. I decided to live as long as I could, with the people I loved, until my memories returned. So, I promised to never let go of the new home I found.


Hi ppl! So, I pulled you off the cliffhanger because if I did not, you'd be hanging for about a month or so....


Here's our reader-chan aka Tanzenite.

just a little doodle of mine.

Do not copy the character or a terrible curse will fall on you and due to may even misplace your wallet...which I know is empty! Ha!

which I know is empty! Ha!

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