Part: 6- Death spares None

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It was already evening. Phos and Bort refused to go away. They said they want to stay with me. I had a nice nap of 3 whole hours after having lunch. When I woke up, I saw Phos lying beside me he was asleep and then there was Bort, who was also asleep on a chair. With her arms crossed. That shocked me there for a moment, to see Phos's face up so close. There was a blanket over each one of us. Maybe rutile or Diamond had put it on. Rutile was working on something or so I thought. "Rutile?" I said as I turned to my side. "Yes?" came an instant reply from below. I saw him sittling near my legs reading a book. He looked at me and smiled," You alright? " He asked in a humble tone. "Yes." I said with a smile.
"Mhmmn, Tanz.. " I heard Phos murmur, Was he sleep talking? Well, he'd woken up. I turned my head towards him. Phos sat up and was now rubbing his eyes. "Hi Tanzie... Did you have a nice rest?" he asked. "Yes, yes I did." I replied. "that's good." I heard Bort. She was awake and smiling. "Phos, it is rude to sleep beside a lady you know..." Said Bort with a frown. I felt heat travel up my cheeks and ears. Phos started to panic. "I am sorry Tanzie!" he said. I let out a smile as if to say 'never mind'. Rutile couldn't help laughing. "You know? He was checking on you every ten seconds! He was too concerned... He said he wants to nurse you but..I am the man for that!" Claimed Rutile proudly as a felt a a tint of red on my face."Thank you for that Phos!" I said. "YES!" He replied immediately. Bort chuckled.  Phos dropped his head  but soon after that, he looked up.
"Say, Tanzenite... " He asked.
"Yes? " I replied.
He gave me a concerned and curious look. "What did sensei mean when he said.. End up dying? What is dying anyway?" I was amazed by his question. They were not aware of the concept of death?Well I guess it was natural for the gems to not know the concept of death, they were immortal. "Yeah! I was wondering the same... " said Bort. "Is it the same as being taken away?" questioned Rutile. "Being taken away?" I questioned."Yes, whenever lunarians succeed in taking one of us to the moon..." said Rutile. "We lose the chance to see them ever again." continued Bort."We lost many of our friends to the lunarians." she continued. I could see the atmosphere darken a bit, both, with guilt and sadness. "Pink Topaz, Ruby.."spoke up Rutile,"...Red Diamond, Lpis...Padparadscha...we lost all of them to those evil monsters." he finished with a frown that came from regret. "But, we managed to get Padpa back!" Said Phos. "That's wonderful!" I exclaimed. "But he does not move anymore." Added Rutile. "oh.." I added.

"By the way...what is dying?" Said Phos. I prepared myself I took a deep breath and began to explain,"Death, is something that no mortal can escape. After competing a given lifespan, one departs on to the realm of the dead leaving nothing but the body. The body won't move, won't speak, won't see and won't feel. It is the ultimate end... There is nothing after that." Phos, Bort and specially Rutile, looked petrified by my words. I gave out a smile," Don't worry, you won't die ok? You are immortal!"
But, they were not shocked because they thought they were mortal, they were scared that I would leave them someday and that I would never return. "No! I...well.. I can't lose you yet!" said Phos with a frown. I was astonished by his words. "T-then... What is your lifeline?" asked Rutile. "Well, I don't have a specific lifeline... I could've been dead today morning if you people did not save me... so..Thank you again. " I said.
"Roughly... Saying if there is no accidents... You will live on right?" Asked Bort. I shook my head in disapproval," As a mortal and as a human being, I am fated to die. As I grow on,  I will become strong and  big but after a point, I will grow weak and die. It's just how it is..." said in my most appealing way. They were all kind of sad. Seeing their moods, I tried to comfort them, "But I still have a total of 60 years of so! I am only 16 or around that age!" And so I bluffed it off. But maybe I made it worse, Phos jumped over me,"That less!? That is barely enough!" "THAT'S RIGHT!" I heard a bunch of voices as I saw Diamond, Jade and Eucliase burst inside the room."No don't play dumb! we heard all that!" Said Diamond. "60 years is too less...we barely learned to talk at that time.." Said Euclaise. I guess it was an expected reaction from immortals... All a human can do is treasure the memories and then, one day leave. Sleep  for forever."I don't want you to go away.." Said Bort. "It's not that bad...we can still spend our time together!" I said.

"It can't be helped...I am fated to die!" I said now feeling a little congested. They all looked disappointed but Phos stood up. He let out a sigh and spoke up,"If that can't be helped....then I promise! I will make your short life happy! very happy! No matter what!" He jumped. I felt moved by his words."Right!" I replied with a smile. "That's it! I give you 3 months! Recover! And then we will hang out and have fun together" Said Bort as the others got shocked at her words. Three months? Well, maybe that was a short time for them, but it was fairly enough for me. " I will Bort...Promise! Then we will spend time together." I replied as she gave me a smile. "Hey what about me!?"claimed Phos, " Right Phos, you too." I said."Me too?" Asked Euclaise and Rutile, then Diamond and finally Jade. I let out a faint laugh seeing how childish they were, despite being over a thousand years old,"Right! everyone! for sure!" I said with a bright smile of happiness and joy.

"I promise to get better soon and spend time with you all!"

"I promise to get better soon and spend time with you all!"

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Phos! He is a cutie!

He is even cuter with Diamond!

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He is even cuter with Diamond!

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