Part: 7 - That girl I want to Protect

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Hiyoo ppl,
Long time no see! So here!
The storyline here has been altered, the true story is too depressing to handle. (no kidding)
So, this part is in Rutile's pov.

Flash back-
"Rutile! Rutile! Ha! Can't catch me!?"
"Shut up Padpa! You know I am not that strong!" he called out to me as I ran to him. "Ugh! Tell him to stop green diamond...." I called out. "Haha... Nope" Green bluffed it off. After some time of our random tag, tired, we sat down. Listening to the wind embrace the grass and make it rattle. Silence filled the air. "Say Rutile... " begen Padpa. "Do you have someone you treasure?" he asked. I turned to him, thought for some time and replied,"Someone I treasure huh... Well...sensei I guess?" I replied however Padpa did not look content.

End of flashback.

I wonder why I remembered this part of my memories when I first saw that human woman. She was unconscious, dedicate, almost like a lost flower that fell of a tree. I couldn't help but look or rather, feel the urge to touch her. I did not hold back, I stroked her head, then her cheek and tgen her eyelid. She was breathtaking. Her face was like that of an angel's, soft hair like that of silk, a natural aroma that compared to nothing, an intoxicating touch. Like an angel whose wings had rotten, like a goddess who fell from the heavens. She was ethereal, the most beautiful thing I'd seen in my entire life.

I remember asking Padparadscha who was the one he treasures. He gave me a straight reply," You, brother." I was surprised by his reply. I was glad, glad and surprised. He did love everyone but he 'treasured'me, his brother.
That day when she first came to the gem island, and then to my office after Euclaise knocked her down, sensei brought her. I was both curious and astonished. Sensei seemed troubled and so we asked the cause. "To bear the pressure of the six moons is impossible for a human. That was the whole reason humanity fled." he said. "I am amazed she is alive." he concluded. That made things even more interesting for me. I became even more desperate to know her, talk to her, share with her to... Find her.... Sensei said that he'd take care of her himself. On listening to his words, I couldn't help but oppose, I pleaded that I shoud be the one to do that. Sensei was curious to know the reason but to my surprise, I was not aware of the answer myself either. So I answered in silence. Sensei allowed me, but at the same time told me be very careful. "Humans are delicate." he concluded.

I learned all about taking care of a human from sensei. She slept the whole day and woke up at night. Much faster than us gems. When Bort told me that she gained consciousness, I rushed to her.
When I first saw her sitting up and awake, it sure was mesmerizing. She had black-blue eyes that shined like diamonds, skin like pearls and a gaze that shone with intelligence and fear. Breathtaking. I felt a sudden rush of something in my body. It made it hard for me to leave her and not stay. "Say, you have someone you treasure?" I heard Padparadscha again. Do I? I asked myself.

 Well now that I think about it, maybe I never treasured somebody in specific. I never LOVED anyone in specific. I had witnessed many forms of love all around me. The love Sensei had for all of us, the parental love. The love Diamond showed for all of us, the family love. The love Bort had for Diamond, a younger sister's love. The love Padparadscha had for me, the brotherly love. The love Phos had for Cinnabar, a love for an unknown which, which is the most confusing. Her first smile that she shared with us, that sweet words she spoke to us and those lovely expressions she made. They all made me to want to see be by her side...ALWAYS. I did not know why I felt that way. But, I got my answer very soon.

Sensei called all of us that morning after we found Tanzenite. He was very serious and anxious. He described her to maybe be, something called,"A blessed curse." what irony. She was something divine, both blessed and cursed at the same time, blessed with the ability to resist  pressure, cured with something anonymous. Blessed with many more things, cursed with amnesia. Inside her, was an unimaginable amount of power we were yet to witness. As of what it is, is still unknown. The next day when she woke up. She was not acting like herself, she was even more afraid of us. I felt a painful throb in my chest when she said that she hated me and that she did not want to stay here anymore. That really sting, really bad. I could feel myself get sad on the very thought of her leaving us....or....leaving me. I wanted to cry out loud and beg her to stay. I was ready to face anything as long as she stayed my my side. Even though her life was short. So even if it was for that short time, I wanted to show her a wonderful life. She was the only one who made me feel like that, nobody ever had and no one ever will.

The truth is, I made a mistake, a 1000 years ago. Me and Padpa were playing tag out in the grasslands while doing our petrol. He was teasing me that I could not catch him, well he was the second most strongest after Bort. We then sat down and then he asked me the question.

"Say, Rutile, do you have someone you treasure?"


"Yes! Like how yellow loves me?"

"ummm...then sensei..i guess.."

"What! That is not what I meant"

"Fine then! Who do you treasure!?"

"UHah uhun...maybe some other time!"

"Oh shut up!" I shouted and tackled him down. "Gotcha" I said with a victorious smile. Then we had a good laugh. 

Padpa was born with numerous holes in his body. The reason why I am such a skilled doctor now in because of him. I have been trying to keep him going and I did almost succeed. Now he did not have to sleep on alternate days. But on that day, because of my mistake, he won't wake up now. As we were headed back, I saw a sunspot. Way bigger than anyone we'd ever seen. I was frightened, too scared to move an inch, too scared to act. Padpa told me to run, but I was just a coward. He let out a 'tch' as the gigantic lunarians stepped up. Padpa grabbed me and he ran for it. He was hit by an arrow but he still kept on going. He ran and ran... dropping bits of himself everywhere. By the time we were safe, he'd lost a huge part of his belly. When we stopped, he finally collapsed, he was quiet, dead silent. But his eyes were still open. I just sat there, beside him in shock as the others circled around him. He did not reply to any of them. His lost parts were now gone, the lunarians escaped.

Between the chatter, I heard,"Heyyy..." It was Padpa, I rushed to him. I lowered my ear to his mouth,"You know, who I treasure?" He said in a low voice,"It's you brother." He said and closed his eyes. Maybe those were his last words. I could not stop my tears from running and from then, I made up my mind to fix him no matter what. I lost him and it was my fault. If only I had been able to run and tell sensei along with Padpa. We may have still been playing tag, laughing, singing....all the wonderful days that could've been, were lost..... If only I was not a coward back then...if all gone...because...because of me.

And now, I was about to lose Tanzie to those same old lunarians. Rotten bastards. I did not hesitate this time. I drew my sword and cut those lunarians to shreds. I did not want to lose her! Not at any cost!

We saved her then and I knew my answer. I was in love with Tanzenite. Except, my love was selfish. I wanted her to be with me and nobody else. I wanted to make her happy as I craved to see that smile. I did not want her to cry, as that would make her diamond eyes rheumy. I did not want her to sweat of any illness, as that would make her silky hair wet. I did not want her to bleed as she would feel pain. I loved her so much, I did not even realize it. I wanted her to be happy, with me, with my love.



hiyu ppl!

sorry it took so long for this update. But still, please enjoy!


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