Part 8- Put Those Shattered Pieces Back.

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Hello people!
This part is in the reader's pov.
I was thinking of putting a romantic part here... Alright!  Lets go!

It has been 5 weeks since that incident, I have been allowed to roam around but only with Rutile. He sure is a responsible man towards his patients. Bort and Diamond are also very nice to me.  They go outside everyday and bring fruits and vegetables for me. The dumplings sensei makes are wonderful. And then there is Rutile,  he is the best kind of man I have ever seen and met. He is always so kind to me and the others. I think I might actually be liking him for a while. But then again, I do not know is this is really that feeling... Even if it was, I can't remember what it's like. I don't even know if I was showered with such kindness before. This thought, this worry,  this fluffy feeling in my heart whenever he touches me, is close to me or when he looks at me with such kind eyes, I do not know what it is. It is both troubling and funny. Almost like I am at the door,  but can't open it. I am curious to know.

I was sitting in my bed when I heard Alexanderite, Bort and Diamond burst in the door (ok... Bort came in the right way. She is well behaved.) I was wondering what all this was about when they spoke up. "There is a. Hot spring here!" said Diamond. Why the enthusiasm? "oh!  That is nice!" i said. "Sensei says hot springs are natural healing spots for humans and that must speed up your recovery." said Bort. "And that is why you are going to live in the hot springs from now!" I heard a voice from diamond,  but it was not her voice,  it was Phos. Phos was the only one who could give such a comment. I was ready to go with them but Rutile insisted me to rest more. Finally Bortz stepped up and said that she would carry me there and back. 

After a lot of chatter, Rutile agreed on the idea. I was both happy and scared, there was no chance of a lunarian attack because of me because the locator was removed. But,  I was still concerned. However the question still remained, why was I being targeted. More to it, I noticed something, this sensei person of theirs is a bit suspicious, he knows a lot about human beings, despite being a gem himself. They rely on him a lot too, plus, those lunarians seem a bit attached to him or, specially attached to him. I decided to brush all those doubts off of my mind and enjoy the hot spring with them. Phos was insisting that he wants to take a bath with us. But Bort kicked him off," We are girls and you are a boy! Know the difference dumbass!" I giggled at his cute and stupid act. "Alright! I am going!" He said and ran off. Bort gave out a sigh.

We were off, onto the huge grasslands full of life and yet, not a single bird of life. There were only certain forms of life including tis strange form of gem life, lunarian life and jellyfish. I walked a few meters and then started feeling pain in my ankles, Bort, being the responsible person she was, noticed that and picked me up. She made me sit on her right shoulder, I was amazed by her strength. She gave me a smile, "Look ahead." She said. I did as told, A wave of amusement hit me, There was a huge hill like region and steam was coming out of it. "We are here!!" shouted Diamond as we all raced towards the spring. Bort carefully put me down. They took off their shirts and dived in. I also took off my shirt and bandages and soaked myself inside to spring.

(Just for the information of some perverted people, no, they did not strip! Its only the shirts.)

 "Wow! this always feels so good!" said Alexanderite. I was still outside the spring, It felt so familiar. I set down a foot, then the other, the familiar feeling kept on increasing as I sunk in deeper, it was pleasant, it felt as if I had been here before. With someone, someone close...some...woman. Suddenly, I had a flash of pain in my head along with a faint memory of someone saying, "Do you like it K--(hazy words) feels nice and warm here with your mothe----right?" followed by a cheerful 'yes' A voice of a little girl, a voice of a little girl, who was me. I remembered a warm and kind embrace around me it was ethereal... The same kind of thing I was hoping for and searching for all this time. "Tanzenite!" I heard a voice that pulled me out. I saw shocked facea of Bort, Diamond and Lexi (alexanderite) "Are you alright?" Asked Diamond seeing my pain and tears. Wait... Why was a crying? I was sure it was not because of the pain. "I am alright... I just got a bit of my memory back... Of a kind... Woman... My mother... " I said. "Your mother? What is that?" Asked Bort. "Huh? I-I am afraid I don't know... " I said. That word just came out of my mouth on its own. Without a thought, without a warning. Maybe it was muscle memory to my tongue. To speak that wonderful word. That word 'mother' felt so heart warming, so kind, so loving... I wanted to know about this 'mother' of mine even more I carved to meet her, see that kind and loving face... That was hazy in my memories, bright as day. Someday.
I will work hard to put those shattered pieces back,  so that I can see her again.

Sorry for short chapter.

We all have that one woman in our life who we always want to be with. Today,  I remember my mother's love as I browsed through my photos with her. I find it a true blessing that I am with my mother till now. I both respect and love her. Do you? Share a lovely moment with your mother on the comment box. I would love to read it.
Its no occasion people, just like there is no occasion to pray to god,  there is no occasion to acknowledge the sacrifices that she made for us.
Love your mothers as they are truely,  goddesses on Earth.
This chapter is exactly 1111 words!
Until then,  Sayonara!

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