Part 13- An anonymous fear

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*I honestly have no idea why I put on that picture for this part.... *

'She's been asleep for quite a while.' I thought to myself and started to organize some stuff. "A little to the right perhaps..." I said to myself, trying to figure out where I should keep the new lamp. Not much time was left for sunrise, I ended up doing another all-nighter. Well, I was used to it, all those treatments that I did for those who were broken, it all takes a lot of time. Then, even if I did manage to pack up early, I would end up trying to fix Padparadscha. I am kind of a busy man.
I heard some chirping from outside the window, "Its about time huh?" I talked to myself again. Soon after, the first rays of the sun stepped inside my chamber. Brushing through her delicate face, sunlight climbed onto Tanzie. A warm tint of orange and yellow shined on her face. "Mmnn..." She moaned. Maybe it was becoming too bright for her eyes, given the dark room. I quickly held out my hand as a sun shield in front of her face, so as to block any bright sunshine. I couldn't help but admire the beauty she held within her. Both, a beautiful heart and a beautiful face. Lovely indeed.

I heard a slight knock on the door. "Come in, but be quiet." I said. The door opened slightly. It was Phos, Bort and Cinnabar. "Rutile, is Tanzenite here?" asked Phos, who was in tears. I smiled at him, then I gave him a nod. He slowly walked on, towards her bed. So did Bort and Cinnabar. " She truly is a nice person." I heard Zircon, who also stepped up front. Everyone gathered in my room, along with Sensei, the Amethyst twins, Diamond, Alexanderite, Jade, Euclause and Morganite. "We all wish to give our thanks for bringing our Cinnabar to us." said sensei with a smile. "I also wish to thank her for taking me to my family." said Cinnabar. I nodded, "So do I, for giving me a purpose." I said.

She woke up in some time. Slowly opening her eyes, she sat up. She looked a bit confused by the scene, I am pretty sure she was wondering why they all had gathered here. "Um... Did I perhaps, do something?" she asked. "Yes, yes you did." Said Sensei. Then, he smiled warmly, "You returnend Cinnabar to us, and for which, we all are very grateful, Miss. Konami." said Sensei. "Alright everyone" begin Bort. "Three, two, and bow!" she concluded. Everyone in the room including Sensei and myself bowed low, as a heartfelt gesture of gratitude. "Huh, uh... Please, raise your heads... I am not worth all this... Please..." Said Tanzie. 'So down to earth, adorable.' I thought to myself. Falling even more for her. I decided to confess to her that very day. "As a reward, ask for whatever you want." said Sensei. She looked shocked. Then, with a firm gaze, she spoke up, "Cinnabar should be the one to ask for whatever she wants, she's been all alone for so much time. Ask her, not me." So true. Sensei turned his head towards Cinnabar, "Well then my child, what do you wish for?" he said. Cinnabar looked pretty happy. "W-well then, ah... I want all of us to play outside, together." she said. I guess, it was coming, given how lonely she was. "That's perfect!" Shouted out Phos.
We all left off to the grasslands. Tanzenite was walking beside me, I held her hand, it just came over me. I tangled my fingers with hers as she flinched at the sudden contact. I just couldn't get enough of the warmth that she radiated. It was ethereal. "Rutile?" she called out to me. I looked her in the eye, 'she's so small.' I thought to myself. "I am sorry..." I said. "I just felt like holding hands... That's it." I said with a smile. There it was again, she blushed and I giggled. "Its alright..." she said as I felt her gripping onto my hand. Should I say it now? I wondered. "Tanzenite-" I began, but I was cut off. "Its wonderful right?" she said. "Ah, sorry, were you saying something?" she asked. "No, go on ahead." I confirmed. "I find it great that Phos and Cinnabar found love." she smiled. "Yes, it sure is." I turned my gaze onto her, she was blissfully watching Phos and Cinnabar dance and play together. "Don't you wish that you find love?" I asked her. "Yes... I do..." she said in a sad tone. "W-what's wrong?" I asked as I spotted tears roll down down her cheeks. "I had the rest of my memories back... And..." she sobbed. "And?" I asked caressing her cheeks and wiping off her tears. "My past, is so, just so troublesome... I can't take it. I Don't ever want to go away from here. Never!" she cried on. I calmed her down. "Tell me." I said with a firm gaze. She gulped down a fear. "I am from the last remaining part of humanity that fled onto another planet to survive. My ancestors were special humans that were born with a similar ability to myself. Same was my mother." she explained. "Your mother? Bort told me about her."
"Yes, she's the one who made me."
"I see."
"she was killed right after I was born, she was torn to shreds, then burned down to a crisp. Her remains were fed to wild dogs."
"That's terrible! But why?"
"Its because of this cursed blood that has been flowing through my and my family's veins."
"That is not even fair!"
"Then, they came for me... But Mr. Mitsuki, that man I told you about, took me in."
"I see, a kind man he was. And that must be why you saw him fit for passing on your power to."
"Yes. He raised me, like a father. I hope he's doing well."
"And why do you not want to return?"
"Because I am not welcome there. I am a demon to them." She said sobbing. An overwhelming stream to sadness rushed through my body. I hugged her that very moment. "You don't have to go away. Stay with us. Didn't I tell you, its your home here with me and the rest of us." I said. She gripped onto my shirt and dug in her face in my chest. She was warm. "I won't give you up to anyone or anything." I said 'What am I saying!!!' I could feel her speeding up heartbeat. "Thank you Rutile." she said. "My real name is, Karoline (or Y/N) Konami." she said raising her head. I smiled, "That's a beautiful name (Y/N) Karoline." she smiled and pulled off, running off to Phos and Cinnabar who were inviting her to play. I ran off with her. This maybe my happiest day. I prepared to speak, 'I love you Tanzenite' but a strange fear stopped me. 'What if she doesn't like me back?' well, that doesn't matter. She should know that we all love her and there is someone who admires her. I watched her run along with them all, laugh and have a good time. 'This is it then, I will say it, in front of everyone.' I stepped up, "Tanzenite!" I called out. She turned to me and started walking towards me, waving her hands. Smiling the a smile brighter than the sun. "I wanted to tell you something."
"Say it!" she said. Our distance was still not close enough. "I want to tell you that, I lov-" I halted, my eyes widened in shock. "TANZENITE!!" I shouted and ran towards her, along with the others. A lunarian arrow caught her, it went straight through her heart. Blood spilled everywhere. I ran and took her in my arms instantly. i could hear Bort and the others draw out their swords. She was counting her last breaths. "Tanzenite, say something!! DON'T DIE! KAROLINE(Y/N)!" I shouted to her. she was breathing heavy. Soon it started to weaken. In a slow voice she said her final words, "Thank you Rutile, I had a wonderful life. I love you." she closed her eyes.




LOL just kidding.
Next chapters up ahead. See how Tanzenite's love for Rutile saves her. Stay tuned.
Sayonara! Until next time!

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