(7) Pack Meetings

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I woke up in zayns arms. He was still asleep though. I sat up just as his alarm clock went off. He reached across and slammed his hand down on it. "Fucking stupid thing. God weve gotta go to school. Harry cant skip again. Hopefully hes awake."

I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep as he sat up. He got up off of the bed and walked to the bathroom. I sat up in his bed. What's he talking about? Missing school? It's only  tuesday. (He started his heat on Staurday morning. So it's now Thursday morning. He went into head space on monday after school.)

Zayn walked back into the room and looked at me. "Baby boy?"


 I got up and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned up and packed him. "What day is it?"

"Its Thursday. Dont you remember baby?"

"I remember us having sex and beginning to feel  giggly or high, then I was out."

"You went into your head space love."

"Was i annoying... I'm sorry"

"Oh no baby. We all had a good time with you. We actually loved seeing that side of you, all cutesy."

"Heyy!! I'm still cutesy."

"Ya, I know you are. Now you need to go get dressed for school. "

"Fine, but one more kiss please?"

He leaned down and kissed me. I pushed back against the wall as I held his sides. He pulled back and smiled at me. I let go and then walked down the hall. I got to my room and shut the door behind me. I took my clothes off and hopped in the shower. Once I was down I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back into my room. I leaned down to my drawer and realized I only have one pair of clean panties left. So the boys have been changing and putting me in these instead of my boxers.. maybe I'll ask if they'll buy me some more. They seem to really like them too. 

I dried off then threw the towel in my dirty clothes pile. I slid my panties, then a pair of Jean's on. I grabbed a turtle neck and threw it on. I slipped on a pair of Van's, then walked out into the hall. Niall and Liam were down by liams room snogging. I walked up quietly  then grabbed both of their sides tickling them. The both stopped and began giggling. I let go and they looked at me. 

Liam pulled me in and began tickling me. Niall began too as well."no pleaseee let me gooo"

They let go and Liam held onto my hips looking down at me. "I'm glad to see you back baby"

He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back until Niall grabbed me from behind. He took one hand up and rolled my turtle neck down. He leaned into my ear. " Dont cover our Mark's baby, or we'll make a whole lot more that you wont be able to hide."

He bit my earlobe, then leaned back up. I turned away and looked at him. "'Mkay Ni"

I leaned up and kissed him, then walked downstairs. Louis and Zayn were pulling their shoes on. I walked over and gave louis a kiss. Then sat down straddling his sides. Zayn and him both looked at me. I wrapped my arms around louis neck and pulled myself closer. I laid it down in the crook of his neck. "What's up baby boy?"

"Thank you for marking me. I feel so safe now. Thank you."

"We'd do anything for you baby. You dont need to thank us for anything. How about we get to school now love?"


I got up and we all went out to Louis car. They got up front and Niall and Liam sat on each side of me. I sat my hand on Nialls hand and leaned my head on liams shoulder. He put his hand on my inner thigh. "How you feel?"

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