(14) Hospital stays

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Help me please!!

Please help me.."

I shot up. I took a breath in looking at my surroundings. I could hear someone in my head whimper. Harry. Shit. I breathed in, he's near here. I hopped out of the bed, turning into my wolf form. I jumped down the steps and jumped through the window since the door was shut. I ran and pounced on the man in front of Harry. I bit down hard ripping his throat out. The guy from school looked at me, then took off running. I turned back, running over to Harry. I touched his neck. "Haz.."

He didn't answer me. I untied him from the tree, then called 911. They said they were on their way. I flew back in the house, putting a pair of jeans on, then ran back to Harry. I pulled his head up into my lap crying. "Harry please... please wake up."

I held onto him as I heard sirens getting close. An ambulance and cop car pulled in. The EMT's ran over and dropped down beside me. They wrapped gauze around the knife and tried to stop the bleeding. She checked for a pulse and looked up at me. "There's a pulse but its super faint sir. We need to leave now."

They took him and put him in the ambulance. I followed right beside them, hopping in beside the nurse. They began to work on him. I held his hand all the way to the hospital. Once we got here they rushed him in, heading towards the back. A nurse grabbed my arm, stopping me as they kept going. "Let go! I need to stay with my mate."

"Mr. Payne, you've just woken up from a coma. You need to calm down. They can't do anything with you up their butts. You need to sit down and breath. Your gonna have to wait out here until their done with surgery. If I was you, id call your mates."

She patted my back, then walked away. I sat down in one of the chairs, then pulled Harry's phone out of my pocket. I opened it, to see a picture of all five of us. I smiled at it. God, I've missed them.. I opened the call log, dialing Louis number. He picked up almost instantly. "Haz baby you alright?"

"Hey lou.. uh its not harry"


"Ya baby its me.."

I felt the tears slid down my face. 

"Wheres harry?"

"He uh.. haz got stabbed... were at the hospital.. please get here. I.. I need you."

"Were on the way Liam i promise."

"Please hurry.. and bring me a shirt."

"Got it. Be there in 10"

I hanged up, setting the phone beside me. I hanged my head down, letting the tears fall. I'm glad I'm awake, but not like this. I don't wanna lose Harry. My last memory with him alone is talking about marriage and kids.. I can't lose him now. I wanna marry him. I want kids with him. I want a life with him. I love all my mates. But he's our omega. I can't lose him. Not yet, it's like we just met. I'm not ready to be done now.

I sat there crying, not realizing how much time had passed. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up seeing the boys. I stood up, beginning to sob again. Louis pulled me down against him. I laid my head in the crook of his neck gripping on his shirt crying. He held onto me tightly. Once I calmed down some, I pulled back from Louis. He gave me a weak smile, then Niall handed me a shirt. I pulled it on, the pulled Niall into a hug. He began to quietly cry into my shoulder. "I missed you li li" he quietly whispered. I leaned back kissing his cheek. "I've missed you too."

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