(34) Epilogue pt. 1

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*2 years later* Harry's pov*

I smiled, looking at my husband's. They were all sitting around the table, playing with the kids. I walked over, and zayn jumped up, trying to help me. "I'm fine zayn"

"But your not. Your 6 months pregnant harry"

"Shh, I'm fine"

I sat down in my chair, looking over at Louis talking to Andrea. Rawlin came running around the table and hopped up on my lap.  Zayn sat his hand on my stomach, "Buddy be careful to daddy."

"Sorry baba"

I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder. I'm so happy with my life and I can't wait to have these next two. I hope they're Liam and Louis, then all four boys will have a baby. But I know they'll be happy with whoevers they are.

Liam looked up, "so babies are you ready to go to grandma and grandpas so your daddies can go out"

Andrea jumped up, "yes let's go"

I laughed, watching her try and get her shoes on. Rawlin slid his little vans on (Louis obviously had to pick them out). We all got up, going out to Louis corvet. "I'm gonna walk them to your parents li then ill be back and we can go."

He leaned over, kissing Liam. Both kids yelled eeww got. I laughed, holding zayns hand. Niall came running out the door, trying to pull on his coat. "Hey don't leave me"

He came over, standing beside us. "I wouldn't dream on it"

I leaned in, kissing him. He pulled back smiling at me. Liam opened the door smiling at me. He moved the seat up, and zayn hopped in. I smiled, crawling in beside him. Niall got in, squishing us. "Hey can you move over some"

"You could always sit on my lap"

I put my hand up on his cheek. "Still a cheeky man aren't ya, even after 2 kids"

He smiled, leaning in and kissing me. I pulled back, grabbing both boys hand. Liam fixed the seat, shutting the door. Wd went around getting in and driving us down to his parents. Louis stepped out the door smiling. He came down, hopping in the car. "Ready to go?"


We pulled out front of a nice restraunt. I looked down at my black skinnys and my white shirt trying to hid my bump. Liam and Louis grabbed my hands smiling. The waiter led us over to a table and we all sat down. I was between Louis and Niall. I smiled looking at Niall. 

Hes been doing alot better as an alpha. Hes very protective of me, but some nights when the kids are asleep he lets himself slip and be able to relax. He smiled at me happily. I love those gorgeous blue eyes, im so glad our little girls out them. Shes gonna be such a pretty little queen when she grows up. The waiter sat down our drinks smiling at us. The other three boys were drinking besides Niall and i. They barely ever do, we even got Louis and zayn to stop smoking for the kids. I'm glad they're willing to change themselves for our babies. 

We went through dinner happily. We got back home and I walked upstairs, stepping into the two babies rooms. They were only half way done but I was already loving them. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist. "Do you like it haz"

"I love it, like everything else you do. "

He smiled, kissing my neck. "I love you li"

"I love you too I'm so excited to meet our new little boys. Their gonna be so cute."

"Me either li"

I turned around smiling at him. "I love you so much Liam"

"Well and I love you too harry"

"Its crazy to think you found me, your little omega almost five years ago."

"And I still love everything from that day my omega"

I leaned in kissing him. The rest of the boys came up, and wrapped their arms around  us. I smiled up at him, "I love you my alphas"

"And we love you our omega" 

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