(8) Dates

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I woke up in Louis arms. I sat up just as Niall opened the door. He put his finger up to his mouth as I giggled out. I hopped up off of the bed and crept around behind Niall. He crept up then tickled louis. Louis eyes opened in their wolf form and and he jumped up. He growled out at Niall. We both shrunk down scared. I began to shake. They instantly went back to their normal blue color. He jumped up and pulled us both against his chest. "Oh I'm sorry babies."

He held Niall and I against him until we both calmed down. He kissed both of our heads, then leaned back. "I'm sorry babies. I didn't mean to snap on you. Please forgive me."

I curled tighter against Niall. Niall looked up at Louis. Louis leaned down and touched my cheek. "Haz... do you forgive me?"

"Ya, I just feel scared as all.. my omega side talking..."

Niall pulled me back against him, massaging my back. "Its ok haz. Lou didnt mean it."

He held me as i calmed down. I stood up with Niall and louis just looked at us. I pushed my self against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I held onto his sides. He kissed my head. "I'm sorry haz. You wanna go get breakfast? Will that  make you feel better? Please say yes..."

"Ya lets go"

He let go of me, then pulled on his shorts that were sitting there. He threw me one of his shirts. I put it on and it was just about my size compared to Liam or zayns shirts which were big  on me. Niall handed me a pair or boxers and shorts and I put them both on. Niall grabbed my hand and led us downstairs. I sat down beside Liam and he let out a growl. Then grabbed my hand. "What happened baby? I can sense your fear. Baby doll?"

"I'm ok, we just had a mishap I'm fine. But can we do something fun today please"

"Let me think love"

He sat his hand on my thigh, then went back to eating. I began to eat myself. A little while later he sat down his fork. "Why don't we go to the mall? All five of us on one big date. We can go see a movie, shop, then we could go to dinner."

Louis smiled up at me. "Do you like that idea harry?"

"Yes can we go please?"

"Yes we can, well get dressed after this and get ready to go. "

"Thank you!!"

I smiled up happily at them. We finished eating then I ran upstairs.

 I hopped in the shower at took a quick shower. I got out and went to my room. I pulled on some boxers, then a pair of kacies. I grabbed my white button up. I left the top button undone. Then pulled over my orange sweater. I pulled my black Van's on, then grabbed my phone. Gemma had texted me. 

Wyd today? 

The boys are taking me on a date

Ohhh, go have fun tiger. 

I will, love ya

Love you too harry

I slid my phone in my pocket and walked out into the hall. All of the boys doors were still shut. I walked down stairs and flopped onto the couch. I turned the TV on and started watching cartoons. It was almost an hour before they were all ready. Zayn finally came down and I went out and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Can we go now pleasee"

"Yes babydoll, just give me a second to put my shoes on."

 He had went and down on the couch. Niall grabbed me. "Calm down baby. Were in no rush"

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