(10) Year 13 [Senior Year]

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I woke up to hear the alarm clock going off. I leaned across Liam to shut off the clock. I sat up some and leaned back against the head board. Louis sat up and smiled at me. He grabbed his pack on cigarettes and lighter off of the stand. He pulled one into his mouth, then lit it. He put the others back on the stand.

(For Sleeping its, Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, then Zayn)

 I cuddled closer into his side. He wrapped his arm around me. I looked up at him, "We've gotta get up and get ready for school lou"

"I know, wake them up while I finish this please."

I flipped over so I was facing Liam. I leaned down and kissed his ear. He smiled, then opened his eyes. "Good morning love"

God.. I love his (and Zayns) raspy morning voice. I leaned down and gave him a kiss. He hopped up and walked into the Bathroom. I leaned down and grabbed Niall. He rolled over and kept on snoring. I blew in his face, but all he did was scrunch up his nose. "Niall!! Could you wake up pleaseee"

Next thing I knew Louis was reaching across me and slapped Niall's shoulder. He opened his eyes and groaned. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "It's time to get up Ni, we've gotta get to our last first day of school!"

I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Zayn having a smoke, standing at the side of the bed. I hopped up and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He chuckled and blew smoke to the side. "Oh haz. I think your getting way to big to do this."

" 'm sorry"

He put his hands down on my ass. "No, I love holding you, your just tall and strong. There's nothing wrong with that love"

He leaned down and gave me a kiss. He leaned down and laid me on the bed lightly. He climbed ontop of me and pecked my lips. "Get dressed love. We don't wanna be late."

The bathroom door opened and I hopped up. The other went into the rooms to get their clothes. I walked down the hall in Louis boxers. I opened my door and went to my closet. I pulled out a pair of my  black skinny jeans and a black top. I walked  out and sat them down on the bed. I grabbed a pair of panties, then got dressed. I keep the top two buttons undone on my shirt though. I walk into my bathroom. I pulled my necklaces and rings on, (the boys had gotten them for me over the last year). I picked up my hair brush and combed through my hair. It was getting so long, but the boys tell me I look good. I like it and they gave me the confidence to go for it. I brushed my teeth, then went back to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled on my boots. I walked back to Louis room. A couple minutes later, the rest of the boys were ready. Zayn walked in, "let me take a picture" 

We all got together, and stood Still. He took the picture and smiled at us. "God, how'd i get four hot mates" (Picture from above)

Louis walked up and slapped his ass. "Look at yourself handsome, now I wanna take your picture too."

Louis backed up and took the picture of zayn. 


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