(9) Full moons

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I walked out of school to be greeted by Niall. He wrapped his arms around my waist, "hey baby, how was your day?"

"It was good, especially better now that I'm with you."

He smirked then leaned down and kissed me. I felt another pair of arms around me. I pulled back to see Zayn. I leaned back against him, still holding Niall's hands. He kissed my neck. "Hello baby doll"


Niall smiled at us. "So are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm mean. Theirs not much to do. I turn and follow you around instead of my dad. Doesn't seem too bad"

"Well I mean, you've gotta stay with Liam and his mother and sisters. Up in their part of the woods. We'll all be in those woods too. But you wont be with us like with your dad. You'll just sit and wait for us to come back ok?"

"Yes zayn"

We just hanged out unto the other two came out of school. We got in and drove to Liam's parents manor instead of ours. We pulled out front and all got out. Liam walked in and went straight up to his room. The rest of us went and greeted his parents. Geoff looked at louis. "Where's liam?"

"He went up to change sir. He should be back down in a second."

"Alright, good. Now lets go outside, I've got burgers on the grill"

We went out and I sat beside Liam's sisters. "Hey Ruth, hi Nicola"

"Hey harry"

We then talked until I felt a hand of my back. I looked up to see Liam, he had a suit on now. He smiled at me, then looked at his sisters. "Hello sisters"

"Hi liam"

They both stood up and hugged him. I noticed he had the cufflinks I bought him on. He smiled at me then his dad called for us all to come eat. We all sat down and got something to eat. I sat between Niall and Nicola. Once we were done, we just hanged out until about 7. All kinds of wolves from the pack started showing up. Liam came up and found me. "Could you come with me please love?"


He grabbed my hand and led me into the mansion. He led me upstairs into his room. He shut the door behind him. I sat down at the end of his bed. He walked over to his dresser that had a box on it. It had the packs crest on it. He brought it over, sitting down beside me and looked at it. He opened it slowly. There was a bracelet looking thing with gems and the crest on it inside. He pulled it out and smiled at me. "Harry, this was especially made for you. I'll put it on your arm, so when we turned it'll stretch and stay on you while in wolf form so everybody knows not to mess with you. All of us wear one. I don't know if the boys have theirs on yet, but mines underneath my suit. So here you go love."

 He pulled up my sweater sleeve and slid it on leaving it above my elbow. He then pulled it back down. He stood up, then pulled a small box out of his pocket. He smiled at me, "I don't wanna ruin your cufflinks you bought me. I can always get a new suit, but not these."

"Alright li"

He leaned down and kissed me, then put both boxes on his dresser. He came over and grabbed my hand, pulling me against his chest. I held my hands around his back. He looked down at me. I smiled up at him. He smiled at me as he pushed some of the curls out of my face. "I love you so much Haz"

"I love you too li li"

He leaned down and kissed me. I gripped onto his suit as he pulled me closer against his chest. We pulled apart out of breath. I smiled up at him, then leaned my head down against his chest. He lowered his hands to my waist and held me as we swayed for a couple of minutes. He leaned up and looked at me. "We need to be getting back love. The suns going to set soon."

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