(21) Pictures

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Harry smiled up at me. Liam groaned, then rolled on his back opening his eyes. Niall leaned his hand over, rubbing liams chest. Liam groaned looking up at Niall. "Morning loves"

He sat up looking at Harry, "can I have some food?"

Harry stood up, walking over and grabbing liams plate. He took it beginning to eat. I opened my arms as Harry crawled into my lap, sitting down. I put my empty plate on top of nialls. He got up, setting them on the dresser, then pulled on a pair of boxers. He came back over and flopped down on Zayn. He groaned, wrapping his arms around niall, then went back to sleep. "Zeee, it's time to get up"

"No, not yet. Your just gonna stay here and let me sleep."

Niall looked up at me. "Sorry, but zayns got you. Your not going anywhere. "

"Ughh finnee"

He grabbed zayns sides, pulling himself closer. Zayn laid his head on nialls head, sighing softly. I leaned down kissing both of their temples. Niall smiled up before closing his eyes. I looked up to see Liam out of bed. I wrapped my arms tighter around Harrys waist. Leaning into his ear. "Lets go pick out the boys outfits for today.

He instantly jumped up, hopping towards the door. I stood up, following behind him. We went down the hall to his room. He pushed me down on the bed, "stay here"

He walked into his closet, leaving the door open. I leaned back on my arms, watching him dig through his clothes. Finally he came back out throwing an outfit at me. "You like?"

He had a pair of black socks and panites, black jeans, a white shirt, a brown belt, his black boots, and a tan hat. I sat it down on the bed beside me. I leaned up, pulling Harry down straddling my sides. I put my hands on his back. "You like it lou?"

"Yes, you'll look cute as ever."

He smiled, leaning down. I pushed myself up against him, putting my hand on the back of his neck. He whined against my lips. I pulled back, looking up at him. "I love you so much haz"

"I love you too lou"

I pecked him once more, then pushed him up. "Lets go to nialls room."

He grabbed my hand, dragging me into there as well. I went into the closet, looking around. What do I want him to wear?

I finally decided on some blue jeans, with a white shirt and brown jacket.

Harry squealed, excited about the outfit. I smiled at him, laying them down on the bed. Harry pulled out some underwear, socks, and white sneakers for him. "Lets go"

He walked down to liams. I opened the door to see him pulling a pair of boxers on. "Oh hey babes. What ya doing?"

Harry ran up, pecking his cheek."I'm gonna pick your outfit for the day"

He pushed liam back onto his bed. I walked over, sitting down beside him. He looked at me, "what are you two up to?"

"Nothing you've got to worry about love"

Harry came running back out. He held up the outfit smiling. He grabbed liam a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt with a blue one over, a black leather jacket, and pair of brown boots that he wore alot. I smiled up at him. He blushed at liam, "I didn't wanna dress you up. If thats ok"

He stood up, pulling Harry into a hug. "Ya, I like this outfit baby. But why do I need it?"

He giggled at me. I put my hand on liams back, "you'll see. Get dressed while i get the rest of the boys up."

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