(24)broken arms and burns

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*Zayn's pov*

I followed behind Liam and Louis. We walked into Liam's room. They both flopped down on the bed. Liam smiled at me, "come sit down with us love"

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Clear my head"

"Are you sure? You alright?"

"Ya I'm fine"

"What happened with your mom?"

"Nothing  you need to worry about. Promise"

I walked over, planting a kiss on their foreheads. "I love you"

"Love you too Z"

I turned walking down the steps and out of the house. I kept walking until I got back to the south side of town. I walked down the dirty streets until I got to the graveyard. I walked down the rows, until I got to where I need. I sat down, criss cross staring at the tombstone. "H-hey dad.. i need to talk to you. I wish you were here. No wonder you did it.. I mean mom gets in my head, so I know she must have been in yours.. I just wish you were here for me to tell you about my engagement. But mom ruined that too.."

I leaned out touching the stone. I leaned back looking at my arms. "I couldn't even do what you did dad.. I was too weak. I'm just a useless mutt like she says I am.. "

I leaned flat on my back, letting tears well in my eyes. "Fuck dad, I need you here. I need my father. But all I've got is a lousy, half ass mother who abuses me all the time. No wonder I won't let the boys near here, who's to say she won't hurt them too."

I put my hand in my pocket, pulling out my cigarette pack. I reached in, pulling out my weed. I lit it, putting it in my lips. I sucked in, taking a breath. I hope this gets rid of my feelings. 

Once the blunt was done, I flicked it not caring where it landed. I looked up at the sky. I'm a horrible boyfriend. They haven't even come for me and its been an hour. I don't even think they care.. they'd be happy as a pack of four. They don't need me bothering them. I sat up some, pulling at my phone. I didn't have any notifications either... maybe I should just fuck off...

I pulled my lighter out, putting it below my arm. The boys won't notice a burn.. I lit it, feeling the warmth against my arm. I deserve this. I'm a stupid mutt. I bit my lip, fighting the pain.  I slowly dragges it across making a line. I looked at my skin. It began to burn, turning dark.  I turned the lighter off satisfied with how it looked. I rolled my sleeve down, laying my head down feeling woozy. I closed my eyes, letting the sleep over take me.

*Liams pov*

 I looked over at Louis asleep next to me. His hair was everywhere. I ran my hand up his back, up to his hair, pushing it out of his face. I leaned down, pecking his temple. I stood up, walking out of the room. And down the hall. I peeked my head in to our room. Niall and Harry were asleep, cuddled together. I walked over, pulling the blanket up on them. I leaned down, kissing their forehead. I walked down stairs, pulling on a pair of my shoes. I pushed my phone in my pocket, grabbing my car keys. I need to find zayn. 

I drove around for almost an hour, before I had an idea. The graveyard. I drove over, parking out front. I got out of the car, begging he was here. I the walked through the rows. The wind blew as I pulled my thin jacket tighter around me. I turned, seeing a body on the ground. I ran over, dropping down beside zayn. I grabbed him, pulling his head up on my lap. He opened his eyes, "li.."

"Its alright baby. I've got you. Lets get you home"

I grabbed all of his stuff off of the ground, pushing it into my pockets. I picked zayn up, carrying him through the rows. He grabbed my shirt, "I had to tell him li"

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