(30) Receptions

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*Zayns pov*

I smiled looking at Harry. I leaned down, setting my hand on his belly. He closed his eyes, gripping onto my neck. I looked up at the boys smiling. Niall grabbed my hand, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "I love you zayn"

" I love you too niall. "

I turned my head, pulling him into a kiss. He laid his hand on my thigh. "I can't wait for tonight"

I smirked looking at him, "oh your ready to be on our back?"

He blushed, laying his head on my other shoulder. I looked over at the other boys. They were smiling and talking to each other. The car then came to a halt. I shook Harry as Liam grabbed the car door. Louis grabbed his hand, "wait. Harry if anyone tries to give you a drink just play it off and bring it to one of us got it. We don't want anything wrong with our little baby"

He got up going over to Louis. "I've got it love"

He leaned in kissing Louis. I grabbed nialls hand and we all got out of the car. Everybody was already there. We got up and opened the door. We heard the music stop and the Dj start to talk, "And here's our grooms. The tomlinsons!!"

We all went walking in as everybody cheered at clapped. I looked over at our parents smiling. I noticed my moms empty chair. Niall leaned over kissing my cheek. "I'm sorry love she didn't show up. Don't worry about. Just have fun and  have a goodnight. This is about us not her alright?"

"Ya thank you baby"

He squeezed my hand, then we walked up to our table. Louis sat in the middle. Harry sat on his left, then me while it was Niall then liam on the other side. Louis stayed standing while everybody sat down. "Thank you all for coming to our wedding. I hope everybody will have a great time. Eat and drink as much as you want, its all on us. Thank you for coming and have a great time. Thank you"

He sat down and everybody began to chat again. A waiter came around bringing us each a glass of champagne. I lean over, taking Harry's and drinking it. He pulled out a sparkling water from under the table and poured into it. I sat my hand on his knee, tapping it. He smiled at me, then turned to look at Louis. He had his glass in hand drinking it. A couple minutes later, then the waiters brought around our food. I looked down seeing niall already stuffing his face. I laughed watching Liam smack his hand and hear him groan.  He sat his fork down and looked at Louis. Louis stood up, tinging his glass. "Well thank you for all showing up today. Thank you for loving and being a great pack. I can't wait to watch my husband here one day rule it and be by his side. I want to say thank you to all of my mates up here for staying together and loving each other. I know weve been through so much already and were not even 25 yet. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you all. To be able to come home from a hard day at work and be able to cuddle you all. I can't wait to love you all for the rest of my life. Thank you"

He sat his glass down, he walked over kissing Liam and Niall. He came over to us, leaning down between us. I looked at Harry smiling. He leaned up, kissing Louis. They pulled back and I sat my hand on Louis neck. He smiled at me, leaning down pulling me into a kiss. I let go and smiled up at him. He walked back over to his seat, still standing up. "If anyone would like to do a toast, go ahead"

He sat down in his chair grabbing harry and nialls hands. Harry's dad stood up, "well i wanna say congratulations to you boys. Thank you so much for loving and taking care of my son. I know he'll be wonderful to you all and provide you with all the children you want in life. Thank you for protecting him and giving him a loving family. Your all welcome at our house any day. We love you, thank you"

I squeezed Harry thigh, he smiled standing up. He walked down, wrapping his arms around his dad hugging him. I smiled over at Louis. I noticed Louis mom stand up. "Hi, I'm Louis mom. Um Louis i want you take care of and protect your pack. Be a good alpha and take good care of them all. I know you love them and I'm so proud of you finding your mates. I love you louis"

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