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Song: National Anthem by Lana Del Rey

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Song: National Anthem by Lana Del Rey.

Louis woke up on the last day of term with a heavy sigh that left his lips along with all the other emotions threatening to burst from his chest; disappointment, relief, sadness, excitement, fear, joy, despair. He wasn't quite sure which one of those had the strongest effect, but overall the just felt confused.

And tired. Very fucking tired.

Because it was only eight in the morning, and Harry was jumping on his bed, rocking his half conscious body from side to side like a child on Christmas Day. He groaned and swatted at his legs blindly.

"Rise and shine Tomlinson!" Harry shouted, a smile on his face that lit up the room, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He jumped with shaky legs, simultaneously dodging Louis' half assed whacks, his hands swaying through the air. "We have a long day ahead of us!"

"Not if we sleep through it" Louis groaned, shoving his face deeper into the silk pillows.

Harry's smile only faltered slightly, just for a second, before it appeared again even brighter than before, if that were even possible. He sunk down onto his knees, one either side of Louis' legs, and huffed as he stared down at him. "There's no time for sleep, only time for music and food and Christmas movies and scented candles and- oh! Gingerbread men. Lots and lots of gingerbread men. And-"

"And i think it's about time I shoved you off the bed" Louis interrupted, hiding his grin in the soft sheets he had pulled up to his lips. He finally managed to flutter his eyes open, briefly blinded by the sunlight filtering through the windows- why does Harry insist we keep the curtains open? - until his eyes focused on a pouting boy with wild curls sprouting in every direction, bare skin glowing in the light, eyes wide and scared.

"You can't shove me off the bed on the last day of term, you simply can't" Harry stated, his smile returning as Louis finally looked at him.

"And why not curly?" He asked, feigning interest, because really, if he wanted to, he could shove Harry off the bed and go back to sleep with no consequences. It almost sounded tempting, almost. But he wouldn't, because he'd still have to deal with the guilt of hurting the boy.

"Because, then you would have to go home tomorrow knowing you had hurt your friend on the last day of term" Harry replied, grinning, like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Louis should have known it. "Then, your Christmas will be ruined because of the guilt, and instead of focusing on presents and mince pies, you'll be texting me all day telling me how sorry you are"

Louis could only blink, slow and surprised, because Harry Styles is positively the most dramatic person he has ever met in his life.

"I don't even like mince pies" Is the first thing he said, earning himself a light slap to the shoulder from a scowling Harry. "I do like presents though. You got me anything?" He added cheekily, swiping his fringe away from his eyes.

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