Room mates

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Song for this chapter is supermassive black hole by Muse.

Louis made it back to his room and swung the door open with a loud bang, the door hitting the wall before closing again

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Louis made it back to his room and swung the door open with a loud bang, the door hitting the wall before closing again.

"Well well, the famous one has returned!" Harry declared, laying on his bed with his arms behind his head, watching Louis as he paced around the room.

"Would you shut the fuck up!" Louis exclaimed, sending a glare towards the boy with curly hair.

"Ooo, I'm guessing pretty boy didn't get his way for once. What a shame" Harry taunted, smirking as he sat up.

"What did you just call me?" Louis asked, freezing in place.

"Pretty boy. You know, uptight privileged kids who think they're the shit when they aren't" Harry said with a laugh, looking at Louis, who's face had gone red in anger.

"Oh fuck off. You don't even know who you're messing with here" Louis snapped back, his fist clenching.

"Oh I do. I'm not scared of you, or your family. Everyone else can kiss your arse but I fucking won't" Harry rolled his eyes. "Why are you so moody all the time anyway? I haven't seen you smile once since meeting you"

"Because. I've been sent away from my family, my home, to come to this stupid fucking school with stupid fucking people in it, on a stupid fucking train with stupid fucking you. You who made snarky comments at me when I simply told you to leave my private compartment on said stupid fucking train. Then, I arrive to said stupid fucking school, only to find out i cant go to my stupid fucking room because we had to sit through a boring ass speech. When I finally think I can fucking relax in my stupid fucking private, room, I find out it's not actually private at all! No, I've been paired with stupid fucking you, of all people, and- did you touch my marble dresser? Oh, fucking brilliant! I knew if I had a room mate they'd touch my things and get it dirty! Could this stupid fucking day get any worse?" Louis ranted, pacing the room once again, seeing his dresser had a smudge on it.

"Are you quite finished?" Harry asked, amusement clear as day on his face as he silently laughed at the boy.

"No! I'm fucking not. Thank you very much. So then, i try find my way round this stupid fucking school, and when I ask for help, guess what!"


"I basically get told to spill the beans to some plastic teacher! The fucking nerve he had on him. Honestly, it's like nobody knows who I am! So then, I spend another 20 minutes searching for the headmasters fucking office and guess who I meet. Go on, guess!"

"Hmm, Niall!" He guessed, that being the only person he knows in school.

"What? No not fucking Niall! Only your bloody sister" Louis declared, causing Harry's eyes to widen in surprise.

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