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Songs: Carmen by Lana Del Rey and Formula by Labrinth

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Songs: Carmen by Lana Del Rey and Formula by Labrinth.

Louis found Harry right where the boy said he'd be, in the Library. It had taken him a good ten minutes to search the large, museum-like room until he saw a mess of curly hair peaking above one of the smaller bookshelves. He was sat in front of a computer, again, like he had said. Though there was no mystery assignment displayed on the screen.

He furrowed his brows and crept his way around the bookshelf as quietly as he could, stopping right behind Harry. He smirked slightly as his hands drew out to scare him, but he was stopped before he could.

"I thought I told you to stay in our room" Harry said with a bored tone, not even turning around to face the speechless boy.

"How the hell did you know I was there?" Louis huffed as he took a seat next to him, slumping into the chair with a pout resting on his lips.

"I saw your reflection on the computer screen" Harry replied somewhat smugly. "You'd be no good as a spy"

Louis scoffed, "I'll have you know I'd make a great spy!" Harry gave him a pointed look, his head tilted to the side. "Okay- I'd make a great spy in a reflection-less room"

"You wouldn't get many jobs then" Harry grinned. "Double-o-no-reflection"

Louis lips turned down and he nodded, slightly impressed. "Like the James Bond reference there. I didn't think you had much wit due to your slow brain"

"Slow speech actually. I can think just fine" Harry corrected him. "Anyway, why are you here?"

Louis shrugged and leant back in his chair. "To see if you're alright of course. Why else?"

"I told you I was fine" Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, and fine is the definition of 'I'm not really fine, I'm sad, please cheer me up or I might cry'" Louis quipped, over exaggerating his words. "You don't fool me styles"

"Okay, I'm great then. Marvellous, splendid, superb, ecstatic, delighted, overjoyed, elated-"

"Alright alright, someone's been reading the dictionary" Louis cut him off with an amused smile, "Don't go using too many big words, you'll run out of them" 

"Well if you wouldn't take fine for an answer then I had to give you some options" he smirked, "A simple 'fine' apparently won't do these days"

"You're right, it won't. And all them bullshit words you just spewed out won't either" Louis looked at him knowingly. "Care to explain? Seeming as you're clearly not busy with your 'assignment'"

"There's nothing to explain"

"There's lots to explain"

Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I don't want to talk about it- it's a touchy subject"

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