Take The Hint

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Song: Los Vas A Olvidar By Billie Eilish            That way by Tate McRae

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Song: Los Vas A Olvidar By Billie Eilish
That way by Tate McRae

It was uncommon for Louis to wake up before Harry. He was used to the meditation music, blinds being pulled wide open, hands shaking his shoulders or knees bracketing his hips. Over the past few months since meeting him, Louis had ditched the alarms on his phone with the knowledge that some way or another, Harry would wake him up.

This morning though, it was Louis who opened his eyes first. Instead of Harry waking him up, maybe it was the blinding light shining through the windows after yet another night of forgetting to close the blinds, maybe it was the loud chatter drifting up the stairs from the kitchen, where he assumed breakfast was already being served, or maybe it was Lola, who was purring on the pillow above his head.

Whatever it was, it wasn't Harry; because Harry's back was pressed against his chest, legs tangled under the sheets with Louis' arms wrapped around his waist like a vice. His shoulders were rising and falling in steady breaths, hunched up towards his neck with one hand grasping Louis' wrist, and the other tucked up under his chin. He was still asleep as far as Louis was aware, quite contently at that.

His first instinct was to move away, like he did that morning back at the hotel. Affections and luxuries such as cuddling didn't come naturally to him, though Harry often initiated hugs and soft touches, it wasn't ever something he was aware he enjoyed. His sisters gave him plenty of hugs, and he accepted them with open arms; but somehow this was different.

As of late, Harry seemed to be finding contact with him in any way he could. Sometimes it was discreet, subtle, just a hand on his shoulder or tugging at his arm, fingers brushing as he handed him something. Other times it was bold, pulling him around the room to dance or gripping him into a tight hug. Louis had noticed it but, until recently, he hadn't given it much thought.

He hoped, as he had assumed, that Harry was still sleeping. It could just be the warmth, the position, he could just pretend that he didn't want to wake Lola up just yet; but he didn't quite want to move away. Not yet. It was almost comforting to know that Harry wasn't aware of him pressed up against his back, and that Louis was enjoying it more than he'd like to admit. Harry probably wouldn't even mind, he knew, if anything he would press further into Louis' embrace. But, for Louis' benefit, if Harry didn't know then he couldn't question, and he couldn't think on it any harder.

Louis pressed his eyes shut and let his head dip forwards, forehead resting against the thin cotton of Harry's t-shirt. He could feel each breath he took as his back expanded against his chest, could feel Harry's fingers twitching every so often with the hold he had on Louis' wrist. The duvet had bunched up somewhere between their legs, and Louis realised at the soft touch of skin against his free hand that Harry's t-shirt had ridden up above his stomach.

He knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep again. As peaceful as it was, his thoughts couldn't seem to settle. The room was too bright and the noise from downstairs too loud, he faintly wondered if Gemma would make another appearance this morning, waking Harry and disturbing this moment that Louis didn't want to end. He wondered when would be the right moment to move, maybe before Harry wakes up to save himself any comments, or as he wakes up only to pray that he wouldn't notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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