Another day, another game

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Song: hypnotic, Zella Day

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Song: hypnotic, Zella Day

Surprisingly Louis' food ended up pretty good for his first ever cooking experience. Sure he had some help along the way, but he wouldn't lie, the satisfaction at the end of the lesson was worth all the difficulty he had to endure.

What was even better, was Harry couldn't even deny that his food tasted good. At the end of the lesson the students were allowed to try each other's food if they wanted to. Louis thought it was pretty pointless considering they had all made the same dish, but it was nice being complimented on his cooking.

It was also the first time since arriving at the school that Louis felt the recognition he had expected. Every single student in the class wanted a taste of his food, were practically lining up for some. By the end of it he barely had any left for himself, but he couldn't bring himself to care after being swarmed by his classmates who were desperate for his attention.

He distinctly remembers looking over the crowd of students to see Harry watching on in shock, maybe even a little embarrassment. All Louis did was smirk back, feeling extremely smug.

The rest of the day went just as well, Louis deemed it the best day since he had gotten to school and his hopes were lifted. For a week he had felt out of control, anxious and disappointed from the lack of attention and rise in conflicts he didn't know how to handle. He almost felt as if he was being recognised for the first time again.

However the students following him around school like lost puppies did confuse him. Because why now? Why had they waited nearly a week to show their appreciation? He assumed they must have been intimidated after only just meeting him and shrugged it off like he did with most things in his life.

"Why are they following us again?" Zayn whispered to Louis and he and Liam walked either side of him.

"Because they've finally come to their senses and realised who they're going to school with" Louis boasted, smirking at a few girls who giggled behind their hands as they eyed him.

"If I had known crowds of people following you around and staring at your arse was all it took to wipe that frown off your face I would've paid them off days ago" Liam replied, nudging Louis' side.

"You wouldn't have to pay people to do that Liam. They love me already"

"Alright don't get too cocky, I can deal with people worshiping you like they're in some kind of cult but I can't deal with you gloating about it. Where are we going anyway?"

"The common room. Thought we could play ping pong or something" Louis replied. They had just finished classes and he was bored, the common room was the closest thing to entertainment they had.

"I like it here and all, but the school is bloody boring. I can't wait till the weekend when we can go shopping" Zayn commented with a sigh, all he really wanted was some new beauty products as he was running low.

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