The visit

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Song for this chapter is Arsonists Lullabye by Hozier.

That first night, as Louis was settling for bed and Harry was in the bathroom, Louis made a call to his father

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That first night, as Louis was settling for bed and Harry was in the bathroom, Louis made a call to his father.

"Louis? Oh what the bloody hell have you done? It's only the first day for gods sake!" Mark Tomlinson shouted through the phone, causing Louis to take it away from his ear for a moment.

"I've done nothing father, I apologise for ringing you so late" Louis said, putting on his posh demeanour once more.

"Well then. What is it? This better be good Louis" He replied, and Louis could practically feel his glare down the phone.

"It is. There seems to be an issue with my private room" Louis stated, thinking of how he was to tell his father this without Mark getting angry.

"Spit it out"

"It's not exactly private anymore, or, it never was. Apparently they've admitted a student last minute and my room was the only one available for him. I already went to the headmaster but he said there's nothing he can do about it unless a student were to drop out for some reason" Louis explained, picking at a loose thread in his bed sheets.

"What? You've got to be joking! What kind of imbecile goes against my requests?" Mark huffed, Louis visibly wincing at his tone.

"The teachers here, apparently. God it's been an awful first day father. The boy-

Louis stopped. Did he really want to tell his father about Styles? There's no doubt in his mind that the kid will be kicked out; he wasn't sure if he wanted that or not. He may be a disrespectful prick, but was that worth him being dropped from the school completely? Was he that heartless?

"What boy?" His father asked, breaking Louis out of his thoughts.

"Never mind, just the boy I'm sharing a room with. Anyway, another teacher was extremely rude to me. As I was trying to find headmaster filches office I asked Mr. Cowell for help. He wanted to know what my intentions were but I told him it was none of his business. He insulted me father!" Louis spat, still angry from the previous encounter.

"Mr. Cowell? I thought he was supposed to be a fine gentleman! I've met him myself at a gala. Are you sure Louis? You weren't just sensitive because it was your first day?" Mark pressed, his eyes turning to slits from the other side of the phone.

"Of course not! He insulted me, said I needed to learn some respect. I wouldn't lie to you father" Louis said quickly, trying to prove himself.

"Well, I'll take your word for it. And about the room, I'll make some phone calls. It'll be sorted in no time, I promise you. Get some sleep" Mark said, rubbing his forehead from the stress.

"Thank you father. Good night"

He hung up the phone and sighed in relief. He could always count on his dad to fix his problems. He was glad the day was nearly over. It had been stressful and tiring. He had never felt so much disrespect in his entire life and he hoped it wouldn't continue.

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