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Song for this chapter is Mount Everest by Labrinth.

"We will be arriving at the school in 20 minutes everyone! Please gather your belongings together and prepare to leave the train" A man shouted as he walked down the carriage isle, knocking on compartment doors as he went

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"We will be arriving at the school in 20 minutes everyone! Please gather your belongings together and prepare to leave the train" A man shouted as he walked down the carriage isle, knocking on compartment doors as he went.

"Finally. I swear we've been stuck on this bloody train for hours" Louis sighed in relief. His legs were cramping from the small space and his bum hurt from sitting down for so long. He was glad he could finally stretch his legs.

"I know. I'm excited to see what the school will look like. Apparently it's massive and really fancy. Maybe it'll be like Hogwarts" Liam joked, putting his laptop back in his bag.

"Doubt that, but it would be cool. Although I am getting Hogwarts vibes from how secretive this all is" Zayn said, throwing his empty wrappers in the bin.

"Maybe there is something they're not telling us. Obviously not magic, but there's definitely something weird about it" Louis agreed, pulling his coat on as the weather looked miserable outside the train.

"I wonder who I'll be sharing a dorm room with. I hope it's nobody weird. I once had to share a room at a summer camp with this guy who looked through all my things whilst I wasn't in the room. Caught him red handed- or shall I say underwear handed" Liam explained, rolling his eyes.

"He looked through your underwear? What the fuck" Louis said, stopping mid way through putting his belonging back in his bag.

"Yup. Proper weirdo. He gave some shitty excuse of saying he thought his underwear could have been mixed with mine during the washing. But I knew it was bull shit, mine were all black and I'm pretty sure his were a neon yellow" Liam scoffed.

"How do you know the colour of his underwear though?" Zayn asked, a smirk on his face whilst Louis started laughing.

"Oh fuck off, I'd seen him come back into our room after he had a shower only wearing them. Don't make it weird" Liam defended as he shoved Zayn away, who had now joined Louis in his laughter.

"Sure there's nothing you want to tell us Liam?" Louis asked sarcastically. However he did notice the blush coat Liams cheeks.

"You know There isn't" he replied, standing up to put his own coat on.

"Anyway good luck with that. I have the pleasure of my own room" Louis boasted, grinning at Liam and Zayn's shocked faces.

"How the fuck- wait, no. Stupid question. You're a Tomlinson" Zayn sighed.

"Damn right I am"

"True, but my family are friends with the headmaster and even I couldn't get my own room. How'd your dad pull that one off?" Liam asked, his eyes filled with confusion.

"We're Tomlinson's, we get what we want and if we don't there's consequences. That's all I can say" Louis dismisses with a shrug, turning to look out the window once again.

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