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Songs for this chapter are Legendary by Welshly Arms and Jumpsuit by Twenty one Pilots.

"Father" Louis said as he placed his cup of tea back down on to the fine China, wiping his mouth with a crisp, white handkerchief

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"Father" Louis said as he placed his cup of tea back down on to the fine China, wiping his mouth with a crisp, white handkerchief. The initials L.T embedded in it.

"Yes Louis what is- sit up for gods sake son. Remember your table manners" Mark scolded as he looked up to find Louis slouching.

Forgetting your manners already Louis.

"Of course, I'm sorry father, my mistake" Louis replied politely, sitting up properly in his seat as the maid took away his empty cup and plate of left over food from breakfast.

"You can't be slipping up like that when you go off to boarding school. You'll be eating with hundreds of kids that can't see you getting sloppy. To think of what they would go telling their parents" Mark said with a shake of his head, staring down his son.

"I understand. But that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Boarding school" Louis stated hesitantly, trying so hard not to fumble on his words or pick at his nails.

A Tomlinson would never pick their nails. Don't show you're nervous.

"Out with it then"

"I don't see why I need to go to boarding school father. I've been doing well in my studies here at the manor, I don't see how a fancy boarding school could make a difference"

Louis never saw the point in boarding schools. Leaving his huge home to stay with some snobby kids who felt they were more entitled than him. It was a nightmare waiting to happen!

"Because Louis, your school years are your time to show everyone else who's on top. When these kids grow up they will know the Tomlinson name and what it stands for. They will know who's above them and how Louis Tomlinson was the finest student Doncaster has ever seen. It's not all just about your education, it's about making connections"

Exactly Louis, what a stupid question.

"I understand. However, don't these kids already know who I am? Everyone in Doncaster knows our name, why should I have to prove anything to them?"

"What is with these absurd questions today Louis? Do you not have faith in my decisions? Do you think I'm making a mistake?" His father asked, slowly becoming more and more agitated by his sons curiosity.

Are you really questioning his authority? Don't be stupid Louis, he knows best.

"Of course not, I trust you and what you think is best for me. I won't question you further, I'm sorry" Louis reluctantly dropped the conversation. Questioning him would only get him in more trouble. His father had never made a mistake before and boarding school can't be the first.

"Apology accepted" Louis let out a small sigh of relief. "Now, you have everything you need for school right?" Mark questioned.

"Of course. The maids prepared everything for me"

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