The missing key

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Song: As it was, Hozier

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Song: As it was, Hozier

Harry huffed in annoyance as he sat back on his knees, his legs cramping from his position on the floor and his wrists aching from their constriction. After 20 minutes of searching, the key was still missing and Louis did fuck all to help.

"You're the one who fucking lost it, just help me already" Harry Snapped as he looked helplessly up at Louis who was laying on his bed, his arms behind his head with his eyes closed. "I can't do this alone, not with my hands bound"

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you got into a strop with me" Louis replied with a fake smile, opening one eye to look at him before closing it again.

"How do you honestly expect me not to get in a strop when you've lost the only key that will get these fucking things off?" Harry asked as he tried to stand up with difficulty. "I told you in the beginning not to lose it"

"I didn't exactly do it on purpose though did I" Louis said as he rolled his eyes open, "It's not like I planned for it to magically disappear from my damn pocket"

Harry stood up properly, wincing when his knees cracked and his feet rushed with pins and needles, "Well you could at least help me find it. It was your idea to put me in handcuffs in the first place"

"Yeah, and then you had an attitude with me and acted like a moody bitch. Wonder why I don't want to help you" Louis scoffed as he sat further up against his bed.

"We're not even supposed to be arguing anymore. We're supposed to be civil" Harry said, taking a seat at the end of Louis' bed.

"We agreed not to argue if we can help it, not that we wouldn't at all. You're the reason we're arguing this time anyway so blame yourself" Louis corrected him, digging his foot into Harry's hip as if to tell him to get off the bed, though harry ignored him.

"Alright fine, I started it. But you're the one who's reluctant to end it here and just help me sort this mess out" Harry admitted with a heavy sigh, turning his head to look at him. "If we just find the key this can be over with. I need to get out of these before dinner anyway"

"The key is long gone. The thing was tiny, there's no chance were finding it" Louis said with a shake of his head, "If you want out of them we need to find another way"

"Well how? We don't really have anything that will cut them off, and even then we'd only be able to cut the chain. How are we supposed to get the actual cuffs off?" Harry asked, looking at the tiny space between his skin and the cuff.

A lazy grin appeared on Louis face, "I mean, we could always cut your hands off. But that would be a little messy wouldn't it" he said sarcastically.

"Not to mention the pain" Harry replied with a short chuckle before his lips turned down again, "We're going to have to find the key, there's no other way"

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