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You were on tour with the boys and your bf of 7 years, they were on the stage right now, and you were supposed to be in their dressing room resting because you didn't feel good, but in the middle of the show you felt worse, and your jeans and "fancy" crop top were only making you feel worse, so you got your stuff and started to walk out but their security guard stopped you.

"miss, y/l/n? Where are you going? Zach said to make sure you stay in the dress room resting. " the security guard says

"I'm gonna go to the tour bus, my stomach is hurting more, and I want to change into something more comfortable and lay down."

He nodded and escorted me outside to the bus, once I was on I closed the door and made my way to one of the suit cases me and Zach shared and got sweatpants and a sports bra, I quickly went in the bathroom and changed, then went to mine and Zach's bunk and layed down, and I quickly let sleep take over me.

Zach's pov
After a few hours of performing we finally got done, I was really worried about y/n an I just wanted to take care of her and hold her in my arms, but I had to perform first. We all got off the stage the boys went to the bus while I went to the dressing room to get y/n and all of our phones.

When I got to the dressing room I didn't see
y/n and I started to worry, then I saw are security guard waiting for me and I asked him

"wheres y/n?"

"she went to the bus in the middle of the show, she said her stomach was hurting more and she wanted to change into something more comfortable and lay down." the security guard says

I nodded my head and quickly grabbed the rest of are stuff which wasn't that much, and the security guard escorted me out. Once there I quickly put the stuff in the "trunk" of the bus then got on and everyone stared at me.

"what?" I say giving them all their phones and holding onto mine and y/ns

"you may want to go check on y/n."

Once he said that I knew something was wrong so I ran to the bunks and checked mine, to see my princess there but with a blood stain on her sweatpants and on the sheets.

I frowned then started rubbing her stomach gently while kissing her forehead, she eventually woke up and looked at me.

"Bubba!" you said all excited that he was here but also you could hear the pain in your voice

"hey babygirl! I need you to get up for me. "

"why?" you ask

"baby it's your time of the month."

Once I said that her eyes went wide and she started crying, I immediately pulled her into a tight hug but also picking her up off the bed, to where there both standing up, hugging after hugging a minute he pulls away but his hands are still on my waist.

"go take a warm shower, I'll get you some clothes and change the sheets."

I nod, being in to much pain to argue. I started walking to the bathroom but he stopped me

"do you want pads or a tampon?"

"(whatever you use)"

"ok I'll be in there in a second to give you your stuff."

I nod then went in to the bathroom and started to take a warm shower

After a few minutes of silently crying because of the pain, I heard the door open.

"baby your stuff is in here, & the sheets are changed."

"ok" you sniffiled

"princess are you crying?"

He says that while opening the curtain to see me, and he guessed right.


I nod

"is the shower helping you at all?"

I shake my head no, it normally does but I guess not this time

"ok, get out and get dressed, I'll get you some midol and your travel heating pad."

I nod and I got dressed while he went to get the stuff. Once done I left the bathroom and went to the front of the bus to see the five boys talking and Zach had the stuff in his hands

The boys saw me and gave me a sympathetic smile and I looked down embarrassed, knowing that they know. Zach walked over to me and hugged me while whispering in my ear

"there not gonna make fun of you, your a little sister to them and they know your period cramps are really bad all the time, they just want you to feel better." 

"how did they find out?" you whispered back

"let's go lay down"

I nod and he tells the boys, then we leave the front and go to his bunk, he lays down then pulls me on top of him.

"first take this medicine, and put the heating pad on"

I shake my head no


"if I'm laying ontop of you I cant use the heating pad"


"it will make your stomach and chest hot"

"when have I ever cared about that? I don't care if it burns my stomach as long as it's helping you and your not in as much pain then it's ok. And it doesn't really hurt me. So take the medicine then lay down with the heating pad. "

I do as he says and he starts rubbing my sides, helping my cramps, while I'm laying on top of him and the heating pad has contact with both of our stomachs.

"how did they know again?"

"they came on the bus first, I went to the dressing room to get you and are stuff but you weren't there so I asked the security guard, when he said you went to the bus I grabbed our stuff and went to the bus, but when I got on they told me I should check on you and I saw you started your period. They knew when they saw you but they didn't want to say that to me. I don't know why but they just didn't"

I nod, then I start feeling sleepy

"can you sing me to sleep?"

"of course!"

Then he started singing 8 letters while still rubbing my sides, and I eventually fell asleep on him.

Zach Herron ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now