Gang|| werewolf

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Ever heard of a werewolf pack in a gang? Or a werewolf as a mafia leader?

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Ever heard of a werewolf pack in a gang? Or a werewolf as a mafia leader?

Well that's what we are. We? Yes we me and my boyfriend of 8 years are werewolfs and hes the mafia leader. Are friends aka the pack and the mafia members, yes were all werewolf and in a gang.

Currently were all getting ready for a mission.

This gang (one of our giant enemies) has kidnapped Franny, and were gonna get her back.

Skip time (Zach's pov)
You guys have just gotten out of the van are current checking around the building trying to find out where Franny is when all of a sudden I hear y/n scream, I know it's y/n been she has had to scream for help before and that's her scream and because we are mates I can feel her pain, and I can smell her out perfectly. I quickly go to where she is and I see her laying on the ground with a gun shot.

I quickly run over their and put her head in my lap and put pressure on her wound so she doesn't lose to much blood.

I quickly mindlinked to the pack saying "y/n's been shot. She's in bad condition I'm gonna take one of the cars and get her to our lab, you guys stay here and find Franny and get revenge for shooting my mate."

They all say some sort of ok

Zach quickly and gently picks you up and takes you the one of your guys car. He quickly put you in then he gets in and speeds off making sure no one follows him.

When Zach gets home he takes you to the lab and performs emergency surgery on you to get the bullet out (everyone in the pack/mafia is certified for doctors - the don't go to hospitals because people would find out their werewolfs so the just went through school and got certified to do it themselves.)

When he's done he waits for you to wake up.

While he was waiting he thought about how much he loved you and he realized he was ready to propose to you.

He already had the ring but he didn't know when to do it.

Zach got cut out of his thoughts when he heres you waking up.

"hey baby." he greeted


"you feeling ok?"

"im in a little bit of pain but that's it"

"love, can I ask you a question?" Zach asks hesitant

"yeah, what is it?"

"today made me realize how much I love you and how much I can't live without you, I've had this secret for a few months and I didn't know how to tell you but a few months ago I went ring shopping and since that day I've been trying to plan on how to ask you this question but today I realized I can't live another day without you knowing the answer so y/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you marry me?"

"yes." you replied crying

He immediately hugged and kissed you...

A year later
You and Zach just got married and you couldn't be any more happier.

Zach Herron ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now