Currently you were in your wolf form hunting, your boyfriend if 7 years and mate was at the house hanging out with our pack. We were all hanging out but I got hungry and we didn't have any more food so I decided to go hunting.
I was just eating when I heard a growl from behind me
I turned around and saw my old alpha, I used to be in his pack but he just abused me and used me as their s*x toy, eventually they moved but not before beating me leaving me to die.
That's how I met Zach, he saved my life.
I whimpered and backed up slowly
(We're just gonna say old alphas name is Brandon)
Brandon shifted to human and started talking scaring me more
"aren't you supposed to be dead? I left you to die. " he questioned harshly
I just whimpered more.
I just flinched an started crying
I saw that he shifted and started running towards me I immediately mind linked to Zach and our pack
"help! I'm being attacked."
And you let out a distress call (I know some wolves do it I'm just not sure which ones so oh well - a distress call is where you let your pack know your in immediate trouble and if they can't pick up your scent like they normally can it gives them you're location I think idk that's how it's going in my story soo... 🤷♀️)
After that you let out a loud yelp as Brandon started biting you drawing blood, he was much stronger then you so you couldnt fight back.
All of a sudden you blacked out...
Zach's pov
Me and the pack were all talking while y/n was hunting when all of a sudden we hear her through mind link saying she's being attacked then she let's out her distress callWe all immediately turn to our wolf form and run to where y/n is
When we get there I see my princess, my mate covered in blood unconscious and her old alpha attacking her.
The boys run up to him and push him off her and start fighting him while I run over to y/n and pick her up by her scruff on her neck with my mouth (your a small wolf so he can carry you by your scruff, if you were a bigger wolf he would only do it in times like this when you were in danger)
He ran away from the scene running towards the house with you still unconscious hanging from his mouth.
He got to the house and set you on the giant bean bag in the living room, he got on too and started licking your fur like giving you bath (mom wolves do it too the baby wolf but I'm stupid and ran out of ideas so I used it but instead of a mom it's your mate) licking all the blood off your fur, he knows your wounds are pretty much already healed but your body will still be in pain.
After cleaning your fur he cuddled up to you giving you heat.
And started licking your fur on your head.
Then the boys came back in still in wolf form but they came back out of breath and had some blood on them.
Zach saw and mind linked to them
"are you guys ok?"
"yeah, is she ok?" jack asked
"her wounds are already healed, and I licked the blood off her, her body is just gonna be really sore when she wakes up."
"you act like your her mom, I love it." Daniel gushed
"what do you mean?"
"you pick her up by her scruff and carry her like that pretty much anytime were hunting and she gets tired or when she's in danger and you lick her fur giving her baths all the time" Jonah replied
"she's my mate, she's smaller than any wolf because of how much that d*ck abused her, used her and starved her, no matter how much she eats she's still small, i will do anything for her to be comfortable and considering that she didn't stop me when I first picked her up by her scruff or when I first licked her giving her a bath and she rubbing against me while I was doing it asking for more, I assumed she liked it so I do it all the time."
"and it's adorable." Corbyn gushed
Zach looks down and sees your waking up
"you guys go get cleaned up and eat something, I wanna make sure she's comfortable before we all make sure she's ok"
The nod in wolf form and go to there rooms to take separate showers and to eat something, while Zach licks my fur on my head.
Right when I woke up I immediately started whimpering because of the pain. I looked up and saw Zach shifting to human form (he still has his clothes on that he was wearing before he shifted into a wolf - there clothes don't disappear when they turn back into human after being in wolf form)
He immediately wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me
Z-do you wanna stay in wolf form?
I nod and cuddle into him more still whimpering about the pain.
Soon the boys come down stairs and sit on the couch
"is she awake?" Corbyn asked
Zach nods
"is she gonna get out of wolf form?" Daniel also asked
Zach shakes his head no
"then how are we supposed to talk to her?" jack questioned
"1. She can hear you and answer questions through mind link 2. She wants to stay in wolf form because she's not in as much pain as she would be in, in human form hurts 20x more when she will shift from wolf to human."
"ok. Should we just let her rest before we talk to her to make sure she's ok? " Jonah said
Zach nods and the boys get up and go to the game room while Zach stays with you while your cuddling into his chest whimpering.
"i-it h-hurts" you mind linked to Zach, whimpering and crying in pain
"i know love, it will stop hurting soon I promise. How about you take a nap?"
"c-can y- you sing t-to m-me"
Zach starts singing "love song" and when he stopped and looked down he saw the you fell asleep.
The rest of the day was full of the boys taking care of you, Zach cuddling you and giving you anything you needed or wanted, and you whimpering in pain.

Zach Herron Imagines
FanficIn which: I write imagines about Zachary Dean Herron for you to enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • REQUESTS: CLOSED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • BSM,DDM,BFGF,SUPERNATURAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • I DON'...