In which: I write imagines about Zachary Dean Herron for you to enjoy.
• I DON'...
Zach's pov Today me and the boys where going to the AMAS, also known as American Music Awards
I'm bringing my one year old daughter with us and jack would have brought Lav too if she was here but she's in Hawaii.
Y/n has already taken her first steps and walks a little but she's still struggling so every once in awhile me or one of the boys depending on who's holding her, is gonna set her down and hold her hands helping her walk, where only gonna do it for a few minutes but if she gets stressed and starts crying where just gonna stop for the rest of the night.
During the car ride we took instagram stories and such and now where here
We all get out and I get y/n out of her car seat and set her on my hip, we walk inside and get our pictures taken, she only looked at the camera a few times the rest of them she hid her face in my shoulder and neck but I understand why
When our pictures where done I set her down and held both of her hands walking behind her and we started walking to a "corner" on the red carpet that's not in anyone's way waiting for our interview thing
Like this but he's behind you and your feet are touching the ground
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You giggled at the new feeling and took a few steps, when you did they all cheered, the boys were filming from the start and each posted the video they took to there story tagging zach and you account that he made for you.
Eventually he picked you up and put you on his shoulders
You guys walked to the concert part or whatever it's called and sat down at your table
You where sitting on Zach's lap while the others where around the table, them all just talking to each other while you play a game on Zach's phone
Eventually the AMAS stared and all the awards and performances started
For the most part you watched the whole thing but there where times where you went on Zach's phone and played games, you also spammed his Instagram story with selfies
When he noticed you taking pictures on his story and posting them he laughed and took a picture of you both writing "sorry for the spam, y/ns playing on my phone and I didn't know she was taking pictures lmao"
The rest of the AMAS was great and you pretty much paid attention for the rest of the concert and he was happy about that
When it was over Zach picked you up and him and the boys walked to the car getting in and driving to IHOP for dinner