In which: I write imagines about Zachary Dean Herron for you to enjoy.
• I DON'...
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Zachs pov I was gaming with the boys playing fortnight when I heard my baby sister y/n crying. My parents are gone for the next month because of work so I'm looking after my baby sister y/n, Ryan and Reese (there both a little bit older, well Ryan's 17 irl so we will just say he's 17 and Reese is 12) don't need me to look after them but I am in charge of them for the next month.
"hey guys I'll be back bubbas crying." I told the boys from the mic
"ok, we will wait for you." Corbyn answered
They all say something similar to agreeing to what corbyn said.
I take the headphones off and set them and my controller down and get out of my gaming chair walking out of my room across the hall to y/n's nursery
I see her standing up holding onto the crib bars, with messy bed hair and crying her eyes out.
I walk over to her and pick her up setting her on my bare chest, rubbing her back
"shh bubba, your ok. Bubby's here. Your ok."
After some time she calmed down so I grabbed her blanket that she can't sleep with out, her stuffie that I bought her when she was a newborn and can't sleep without, and paci from her crib and walked out walking into my room.
I sat down in my gaming chair with her on my bare chest still, I put the pacifier in her mouth and gave her,her stuffie while swaddling her into her blanket, and since we were all playing with our cameras all the boys saw everything that happened.
"your a good older brother Zach." jack complemented
"yeah, you treat miss.princess like she's your own." Corbyn agreed
"she's my baby sister, I have to make sure she feels loved even if she is a baby and doesn't understand that."
"they do have a point, you do treat her like she's your own. Like your always there to change her diapers, and when your mom's not there to feed her you feed her, her bottles, and all that, it's honestly cute how your so protective and caring for your siblings." Jonah answered
"there all my life, I can't stand to see something bad happen to either if them."
"is she asleep?" Daniel questioned
"getting there. I think she woke up from a nightmare or she just wanted attention."
They nod and zach slouches down in his chair so you can lay comfortably on his chest and puts his headset back on and grabs his controller and they start playing fortnight again making sure to not be so loud because your asleep.