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I feel like I've been writing a lot of 'text imagines'....sorry I see them on tiktok and I'm like 'that would be a cute idea for a imagine I'm gonna go write it' so yeah....I'm sorry

Currently you, your ex, and his band mates where in an interview, (Zach - bf of 1 year, you guys recently broke up and haven't gone public with the relationship or breakup yet)

Let's say the host is Zach sang ok? Ok!

"so, y/n Zach, we all know you guys met through the show (make one up idk) what happened?" Zach sang asked

You looked at Zach and he looked at you, both wondering if you should tell the world you both gave each other a look saying to do it

"well we started dating on the show" you said

"we started dating in real life" Zach replied

"and then broke up recently in real life"

"and yet our characters are still dating on the show"

"it's a good thing it's not awkward" you let out a nervous/uncomfortable chuckle

Zach looks at you and you look at him then you both get pulled out of your trance by Zach sang

"so how long were you dateing?" he asked

"one year"Zach admitted

"why didn't you go public"

"become of us both being famous and working together,it would start stuff, and the hate! both mine and his band mates fandoms could be a little...Um protective? the last public boyfriend I had they sent him hate and um he didn't like it and said I told them to be mean so he started being um rude to me because apparently I have control over them. And from what Zach told me, the last public relationship he had they just sent her hate on everything and sent her de*th the*ts, we both didn't want to go through that again so we stayed private." you answer

Zach nods agreeing with what I said

"so how long have you been broken up?"

"2 weeks" Zach said

"boys were you a big shipper of them? Do you miss them together?"

"yes! We are there biggest shippers, and actually to me it doesn't feel like there broken up because y/n pretty much lives with us and her and Zach are always cuddling and they share a bed so it's just like it was when they were together." Corbyn said

"I agree with Corbyn. They were co workers, then a couple, and now there just like really close best friends." Daniel says

Jonah and jack nod in agreement

"do you think you guys would ever get back together?"

"I mean, yes I do think we will, I still love y/n with my whole heart, and I will do anything for her." Zach says

You look at him then look away

"yes, I have a feeling we will get back together. I still very much love Zach. " you answer

"boys is there gonna be new music soon?"

"yes! Very very soon, we will be releasing an album annnddd one of the songs on there is from Zach dedicated to y/n" Jonah says

I just looked at Zach and he looked down blushing a little bit

"Y/n how do you feel about that?"

"if Zach wants to write a song about me it doesn't bother me, cause I know he's doing what he loves. Even if was a diss track on me I still wouldn't care and I would support him still because he's doing what he loves. " you said

"so if he called you out with a diss track you would still listen to it and support him? You wouldn't write a diss track against him? "

"yes, I would still listen and still support him, no I would not write a diss track against him because 1) I love him to much to do that 2) he hasn't done anything for me to diss him on 3) I like handling drama that I get brought into offline." you continue

"i would never write a diss track against anyone, including y/n. It's not fair. She has talked about making a diss track against someone who has hurt her badly and I support her doing that, but I would never write one against her." Zach said

"who do you wanna write a diss track against?"

"im not gonna say. I'm most likely not even gonna do it so I'm not realising the name." you reply

Zach kept asking questions and you guys all answered them, eventually it was over and you guys all went back to the WDW house, and watched movies together.

Corbyn cuddling Christina, Jonah cuddling Tate, Daniel cuddling Franny, Jack cuddling Gabbie, and Zach cuddling you

All while watching a movie.

(I had no idea how to end this so here is a terrible imagine that I might delete 🥲)

Zach Herron ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now