In which: I write imagines about Zachary Dean Herron for you to enjoy.
• I DON'...
Age: just turned 1 last month (you can speak a few words but there pronounced terribly)
Zach's pov Today was the day the, day in the life with why don't we was happening, the fan and her friend should be on there way already as the plane took off at 4am and it is 6am so they should land in around an hours or so, my one year old daughter y/n is going and hanging out with my parents and siblings.
They haven't been able to see her a lot recently because of me being busy and taking her with me, and recently y/n has been sick so she's had a few doctor appointments.
I'm currently giving y/n a bath and getting her ready to drop off at my parents house.
Skip time I got y/n out and dressed her and put her hair up in pigtails
Her outfit
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Once done I pack her diaper bag and get it ready, then I pick her up and go downstairs to my car (he got ready before waking you up) I buckle her, in her car seat and put the diaper bag under her feet and walk to my side of the car.
I start driving but first I stop at a cafe, and get coffee (hot or iced which ever you want) for the boys and me, and got coffee for my parents and Ryan and got a hot chocolate for Reese and I got donuts for all of us too including getting Reese and y/n and sprinkled donut.
I put the coffee and donuts down and buckled y/n back in her car seat and got back In the car and started drinking again
I soon got to the house and my mom took y/n while my dad and Ryan grabbed the coffee and donuts for all of them
Skip time It's been a few hours, the fan is now here and there with corbyn right now, where going in a order ( I don't know if they are but just pretend)
1: Jonah - he's taking the fan to his favorite cafe for coffee
2: Daniel - he's taking the fan to his favorite lunch spot
3: Corbyn - he's taking the fan for a drive around the PCH
4: Me - I'm taking the fan bowling
5: Jack - he's taking the fan shoe shopping
6: a dinner with all of us
So I'm next, and they should be done soon, we're meeting up halfway so she can get in my car and I can take her bowling and corbyn can drive back to daniels house.
That's where I am right now, I'm halfway waiting for them to come, corbyn messaged me saying he needed to stop and get gas so he would be a little late and I assured it was ok.
I eventually see them, and the fan gets in the passenger seat while I get in the drivers seat
Where just talking about random things when I get a phone call from my mom making the music stop (he can connect his calls on a screen in his car for this ok? Ok) making me worry because she has y/n and she only calls when I'm busy when it's an emergency.