Chapter 4

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I wake up in a white room with dimmed lights. The bed sheets were very stiff the pillow was no better. I look around the dull room to find a table with food on it. I untie myself from the cables and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I hang there for a second, gathering my bearings before leaning forward and off the bed. I hold the bedside table for a moment. Just for support. Once I feel I'm steady I let go and start walking over to the food. I feel a little dizzy, but thats probably from not eating or drinking. I reach the table and start scoffing down a scone with jam.

I am halfway done wih my scone when the door bursts open and Jake enters at full pace. He spots the empty bed with wide eyes, then his eys calm when he spots me scone in hand. He smiles and walks up to me. He embraces me into a hug with his head on my head.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I can only nod in responce. My voice just wasn't coming.

"That's good," he breaks the hug and turns towards the door "You can come in now."

I watch as Lexi, Eddie, Daniel and mum all rush towards me. They all start asking m questions like 'Are you alright?' 'How did this happen?' ect, and I just had to laugh. They looked at me laughing and ended up laughing themselves. Words finally found their way.

"I love you guys," I say pulling everyone into a great big hug "Now there's one question I would like to ask."

Everyone stares at me patiently.

"How long have I been unconsious for?"

At that everyone stops smiling and stares at the floor. Mum is the first to speak up.

"I thought I had lost you because of how long you were asleep for..." She looks me in the eye "Honey...You have been asleep for six days..."

I stare at her in shock.

"And..." Eddie speaks up "And the doctors say you might have...might have..."

"That you might have cancer..." Daniel says for Eddie.

My bottom lip trembles at the thought. I head over to my bed, lay down and sob. Mum joins me on the bed. She wrapps me up in a big bbear hug and rocks me back and forth. I stop crying and rocking when I remember something.

"Mum?" I ask.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"How did I pass out?"

She opens her mouth to say something when Lexi cuts her off.

"They said that you passed out  because of a couple of things. 1- you had too much to drink last night." I nodded at that.

I knew I had drunken too much but I didn't know I drank that much.

"2- your excitement for Dylan O'Brien caused you to faint and 3- your cancer..." she ends.

I nod at her in thanks. There is a knock on the door. And everyone stares at the door. A doctor walks in and asks for everyone to leave. They all look at me and smile a good bye. They exit one by one and the doctor comes to sit next to my bed on a spare chair.

"Ella... I'm sure your family told you about your condition?" She asks.

I look at my hands in my lap and nod.

"Then I'm sure you know about your life span?"

I glare at her.

"I'd rather not know how long I have left to live." I say rather agressively.

She nods in agreement.

"You should know though," she says "that this...condition...means you are restricted to your movements."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

She sighs "I mean you can't run or do dance."

I chuckle "You're kidding right?"

She glares at me and I look at her for some information.

"You're not kidding..." I say looking down at my lap.

"I'm so sorry Ella, but there is nothing I can do."

I nod a tears start running. She tlks to me about staying for a few days to see if the condition is real, and that I will miss a few days of school but they have already contacted the school to let them know what's going on, etc. but I wasn't quite listening.  kept thinking about how I didn't live my life to the fullest. Sure, I went around europe and went to America but I didn't go to the little places like New Zealand or Australia. After a little while of talking the doctor said I should get some rest and so I did. She left the room and I was no where near sleep. I tossed and turned trying to slepp when there was a knock on the door. I look at the opening door to see a nurse in a white coat.

"Someone is here to see you Ella." she says opening the door wider.

I stare at the door in shock. Standing there was a man with light brown eyes, brown hair and the cutest smile anyone would kill for.

Standing at the door to see me, was Dylan O'Brien.

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