Chapter 11

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I put on a black dress that goes down to my thighs with shoulder straps that meet at my neck. Black shimmery eyeshadow covers my eyes, mascara making my eyelashes look longer than they are. My hair is tied up in a high side pony tail.

I grab my purse (which included my phone, my house keys, lip balm, and my black embroidered mask with elastic the same colour of my hair) and walk out if my room. I head down the stairs only to be bombarded with questions from all of my brothers.

"Where are you going?" "Who are you going with?" "Why are you dressed like that?" - that kinda thing.

"Woah woah woah," I say making them all go silent, "1- I'm going to the pub with Kaya 2- I'm dressed like this because it's a mascarade night."

They all nod their heads an 'O' shape on their lips.

"But you're not allowed to drink?" Daniel asks raising an eyebrow.

I open my mouth to protest but Eddie butts in.

"She's allowed to do what she wants to do. She has to live her life." He sad trying not to say that I have cancer and that I don't know when my time to die is.

Daniel nods and they clear a path for me. I say bye to mum and the boys and head out into the cold London air. A limo is waiting for me outside with Kaya leaning against it, or what I think is Kaya. She looks at me and smiles. It's Kaya. She is wearing a dark blue strapless dress with a dark blue mask that brings out her light blue eyes. She has her black hair down and she is wearing blue heals.

I don't know how she is going to dance in those, I think to myself.

"You look amazing!" I say moving my arms up and down indicating her whole body.

She giggles "Thanks but I think you look nicer." she says eyeing me up and down making me self conscious. I place a hand over my stomach and she laughs "It's a good thing!"

We start laughing and we 'slide' into the limo. Kaya tells the driver where to go and that we need to park a block away. She turns to me.

"We're going to meet someone there." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

I pretend slap her and we burst out laughing. It's like we've been friends forever. We get dropped off and we walk to the pub. The whole way I was asking who we were meeting but she never told me. She just kept glancing at me with a smirk plastered on her face. We get a few glances every now and then (mostly by guys) and we walk straight up to the pub. Kaya has a special pass that let's us both in (because she is a celebratory she gets in free).

We walk in to So What by Pink and everyone looks at us, still dancing. The guys whistle so loud we can hear it over the pumping music. Kaya spots someone she knows and leaves me... by myself... I walk straight over to the bar.

"A shot please Tommy." I know the waiters first name because I go there heaps.

"Sure thing Ella." He says pouring me a shot.

He is wearing a white tux with a white mask for tonight mascarade. He expertly slides the glass down for me to catch. Since I drink a lot I am an expert in catching glasses with alcohol in them. I drink it in one go. He chuckles.

"It always surprises me how much of an expert you are with shot glasses." He says.

"Hey!" I say pointing at him in a calm tone, "This took time to perfect."

A guy at the bar to my right chuckles under his breath but I catch it. I look over to a blondish/brown guy slouching over a glass of beer. He was wearing a black tux with a white mask.

"And what do you think is funny?" I can already feel myself getting the tinniest but tipsy.

He looks up. His white mask sowing off his chocolate brown eyes.

"No reason whatsoever. I just think it's funny." He replies with the accent most people around her have but there was the slightest American accent in there too.

"Yeah but what's funny?!" I say losing my temper.

Did I mention that I lose my temper quite quickly and a lot?

He chuckles taking a drink from his glass. He puts the glass down turning bak towards me.

"You." he says with a smirk on his face.

I burst out laughing and he only frowns. His frown looks super cute. It makes me shut up. I stare at him and he stares at me. The song Shut Up And Dance With Me comes on and I hum the tune. To my surprise he hums the tune as well. When the chorus comes he starts bleating out the lyrics and I have to sing along. We probably don't sound as good as the original, but it's fun. As he sings he smiles. Soon the song ends and I order 4 more shots.

"What's your name?" He asks me on my second shot.

"Ella." I say gulping down the third.

He grips the bar table so hard I see his knuckles whiten. I look at him with a questioning look.

"Ella Edison?" He asks in a hushed tone.

He must know that people listen to our conversations. I nod looking at my last full shot glass. He turns to face me but I don't look up.

"Hi Ella, I'm Kaya's friend." At that I look up bewildered.

He's smiling at me sadly obviously knowing about my cancer. He still didn't tell me his name. I drink my last shot and call over 5 more shots.

"Name's Thomas by the way." He says while I drink my 5th shot.

I still had 4 more left. I lift up my 6th shot and pretend to 'clink' his glass and drinking it in one go.

"Nice to meet ya." I'm defiantly almost tipsy.

Hey guys!
So I know it's a long chapter but I bedded to write all this and I didn't know where to end.
The next chapter is all going to happen quite fast so don't hate me.

My Mystery Man - TBS FF - ON HOLDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora