Chapter 8

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I kind of half jog, half walk to school, the necklace bouncing on my chest. I turn a corner and a hand grabs my arm in a tight grip. I start to scream but another hand covers my mouth. I kick out not caring who it is. A voice is trying to hush me but I won't stop fighting. They pull me into the darkness and my eyes adjust to the light. Jack was standing in front of me. I stop squirming and glare at him. He's still griping me tightly. He removes his hand from my mouth and sighs in relief. I keep glaring almost thinking I could burn holes right through his head.

"How'd you like your gift?" He said calmly.

Rage boiled up inside me. How dare he get me a gift when he knows I don't like him?! I kept quiet. He sighed and let go of my arm obviously dismissing me. I ran as far away from him as possible, not caring about my cancer, only that I needed to get away. This just made me dislike him even more, and I have no idea why. I had to stop when I got to the school gate. I was covered in more sweat imaginable and I was so hot. I found it hard to breathe and soon I passed out.


I wake up in what looks to be an empty science classroom. A damp cloth is draped over my fore head and oxygen is being pumped through a machine. I sit up and instantly fall back down. The table had fallen from under me and I had crashed into the hard lilo. I hear some shouts and someone picks me up. my hand goes to my head and a wince.

"You're bleeding." only one person who it can be.


I push him away and stand up feeling the slightest bit dizzy. He sees me wobble and wraps his arm around my waist for support. I lean into him for a moment just to have some sort of balance. My body moulds into his, his body heat radiating off him. I didn't realise before but he smelt of cherries. I can hear his heart going into over drive and that brought me back to reality. I push off of his chest. He smiles a tiny bit. Then his face turns into worry. I wave him off and walk to my class, Drama. I walk up to the door and turn the knob.

"Sorry I'm late Ms Thomsin I..." Stop when I see that no one is in the classroom.

I hear a chuckle behind me and I turn to see Jack with his hands in his pockets.

"It's waaay to early Ella." he says with a slight grin on his face.

I glare at him.

"What time is it?" I growl at him through clenched teeth.

"It is," he says checking his watch "ten past seven." He says looking back at me.

I look at my toes. What was I going to do? School started at eight and I certainly wasn't going to spend it with Jack. I see another pair of shoes and hands grip my wrists. Gentle but if I wanted to move away they would tighten, so I stayed there. When I look up his face was inches from mine. I could tell he was contemplating something.

"Ella," he asks for permission to talk. why would I give him that? I don't know, but I did, "Ella, I love you and there's no doubt about it. I know what I did was wrong and too fast-"

"You stole my first kiss." I says blunt at him.

He looks shocked and surprised. Then he recovers with a slight smirk. Then carry's on.

"What I did was wrong and too fast, but I couldn't help myself. I love you, can you please give me a second chance? I can change Ella."

I stood there, shocked at his last sentence. He could change, and if he did he would be the nicest popular guy in the school! but if he didn't...

"I don't believe you." I state.

"Ella I will change. I will change for you." he says pleadingly.

I contemplated this. He obviously noticed because he gave me time. On one hand I was screening that someone actually cared about me, but on the other... On the other I was screaming for me to say 'No! Leave me alone you jerk!' I looked up into those hazel eyes of his and saw a few specs of emerald. I nodded.

"Yes?" He asks a little shocked.

I take a deep breath in. I was so going to regret this, "Yes."

With that he lets me go and we stand there looking at each other. Soon he stuck out his hand and I shook it.

"My name's Jack Johnson, and you are?" He asks in an old English accent which makes me giggle.

"Ella. Ella Edison."

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