Chapter 5

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I sit there with my jaw hanging open. How did I know it was Dylan O'Brien? Well I'm a huge fan of Teen Wolf and The Internship. But I know him mostly from The Maze Runner. Now I know that it hasn't come out yet but I studied the actors and what the looked like so that when I see them I will know it's them.

"Hi Ella." He says to me.

I just sit there with my mouth hanging open. I don't say a word thinking that this has to be a dream. He chuckles and steps further into the room. I shake my head realising this isn't a dream. He turns and waves the nurse away. He turns back to me and smiles the smile I fell in love with. He walks up to my bed and sits on the chair next to it.

"Your dance and drama teacher told me that you were a big fan and wouldn't miss it for the world..." He stops and looks towards something on the wall.

I could kind of tell he was thinking of a way to say it, but couldn't quite figure it out.

"It's okay," I say and I place my hand on his hand.

He stares at it. I realise what I just did and shoot back. It was an instinct to do that when someone was hurting. He reaches out, takes my hand and holds it in his. He looks at me for approval. I only nod. Dylan O'Brien was holding MY hand! I nod to tell him he can carry on.

"She said you would never miss it for the world..." he looks at the ground and continues, "'s that..."

He looks at me with tears starting to fall. I hate it when people cry, it automatically makes me cry. Tears start falling from my eyes as well and we cried together. He wipes his face dry with his sleeve but I can't be bothered. I stop crying though.

"She said you can do drama though?" He says trying to brighten the mood up a bit.

"That will be nice," I say "and with you teaching us I might actually have time left to do at least one acting job?"

He nods and looks at the ground again. It's like we were best friends and he just found out about my cancer. He slips his hand away from mine and I feel cold all of a sudden.

"Well, I gotta go." he says standing up.

He eyes the poster on the table someone had brought me. It was a poster of the maze runner book cover. He walks over to it and grabs a pen out of his front pocket. He looks at me and I nod and mouth a 'thank you'. He opens the pen and starts writing. Once he finishes (which is after quite a while) he looks back at me smiles and waves a good bye, and then he's gone. Out the door like this never happened...but it did.

For the next few days people brought me homework and talked with me for a while. I got bored pretty fast so it was good to have homework to do. For English we had an essay to write (which I finished in half an hour), for social studies we had to study hurler and how he ruled Germany, for D&D we had to study a script for next weeks presentation to the next person who happens to be Kaya who play Teresa in the maze runner.

In about four days I was let free and I had missed almost half the week. On the day I got out (Teusday) I gave all homework back and was determined to do good in all subjects, I mean I don't actually know how long I have to live. I didn't ask for it. When I first entered the school I got a whole bunch of sorry glances and a lot of 'hi's. When I came past Jack he stopped me.

"I'm so sorry-" I cut him off.

"For what? For the fact that I'm dying and that I don't know how long I have left to live? Or sorry for 'kissing' me?" I say as calmly as possible and using air quotes.

He looked at his feet shaking his head and trying to talk. He looked up finally able to talk.

"Both." he says barely a whisper.

I walk away without saying another word. I didn't hear any chatter behind me so he must of been alone. I walk to my locker and bang my head on the metal. Someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I look at the hand and give it a death glare. The hand moves away and I turn to far the person with my back against the cold metal door.

"I thought we were done talking?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"No yet," Jack says "I want to start fresh."

"There is no way to start fresh Jack. What ever we had, which I have to admit is nothing, is over and I would like my peace." I state and I step around him ready to leave.

He grabs my arm and spins me to face him. The bell rings for 5th period and he kisses me. I'm surprised, he is never nice around me, why would he like me? His kiss is forceful, careful, but then turns into a more passionate kiss. The whole time I'm doing nothing,I'm standing in complete there in shock. It takes me a second to realise that I should hit him, but someone gets the chance before me.

The fist comes swinging in front of my eyes and his lips peal off of mine. I feel a sting on my lip and raise my hand to it. It comes back red. I look at the attacker and see Eddie looking at me in worry, shock and pure horror. Did he seriously think I would like this guy, let alone kiss him?! He asks 'are you okay?' with his eyes.

'I'm fine.' I mouth.

He returns to Jack who has gotten up and was holding his face, kind of like how he was I punched him but way harder. Eddie walks straight up to Jack and starts yelling at him.

"I was just passing this corridor to go to my next class when I see you and her kissing!? How do you think that made me feel?! Huh?! My best friend kissing my sister?!" He goes on and on.

I keep trying to tell Eddie that we were not together, that we will never be together, but he wouldn't listen.

"EDDIE!" I yell getting tired of his yelling.

He looks at me apologetically and backs off. He knows I can handle myself. I sigh and walk over to Jack. He actually looks pretty intimidated by me. I stand about half a metre in front of him and start talking.

"Jack, I don't like you in that way. I just can't be in a relationship because of my... condition. I-" he cuts me off.

"I don't care about your 'condition' Ella. I love you and I know you probably won't live long but I love you and you an' I both know we don't have a choice in who we fall for." Pretty inspirational I suppose.

"Jack... this is not going to work. I'm sorry... but I'm going to have to turn you down." And with that I turn around and walk towards my next class.

Hey guys!
So I know that this is a very long chapter but I was on a writing streak and could NOT stop! So what do you think about Jack? Best friend?! Honestly I did not see that coming. Actually I didn't see any of that part happening! I have to tell you the truth... when I write it's not always me calling the shots if you know what I mean. My hands just type whatever sometimes! That part was not planned for this story but it helps the ending so I'm happy. *laughs really hard* if it fits the ending I'm happy. :) Let me know if you want more long chapters like this?
Also tell me if you want me to do it in other peoples POV's?

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