Chapter 9

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For the remaining time before school, Jack and I walked to the near by café and had hot chocolates. Turns out we both love a good, warm, marshmallowy hot chocolate in the cold London morning. We sat and talked and I learnt that he played guitar as well as the piano and violin.

"How do you have the time to learn all those?" I had asked.

"Well I learnt from a young age and I guess it never really left me. I play in my spare time just so I don't lose the skill." He had replied.

I also found out that his favourite colour is twilight (like mine) and his favourite movie(s) is The Game Of Thrones.

"Have you read the books?" I ask.

"Yes, actually I have. I have read a lot of fiction books in my lifetime. Some of them including The Maze Runner." He looks at me suspiciously.

I jump sequel "What did you think?!" I ask half shouting.

"Shhh people are staring!" He says trying to calm me down.

"Have you ever heard the term 'I'm dancing and singing in the car, people are staring but I don't care.'?" I ask.

"No, but now I have." He smiles at me.

Not the sort of evil smile like 'I want to kill you' but a real smile, out of the heart. I smile back at him. He was actually really fun to hang out with. He checks his watch and gasps. He looks at me.

"How fast can you run?"

"That's kind of a stupid-" he cuts me off.

"Well we've got five minutes until the bell rings and I'm guessing you don't want to miss Kaya?" He says.

I jump to my feet and jog out of the café. Jack comes up next to me. He asks with his eyes 'why army you sprinting?' and I answer with "I've got cancer you dumb arse. I can't run?"
He gives me an 'ohhhh' look and we keep jogging. We reach the school and the bell goes off as soon as we get in the gate. I wave at Jack who has English now and head off jogging to drama. I enter the room and Mrs Thomsin isn't there, but all the students are.

"Ella, right?" A soft English accent asks behind me.

I turn around to see Kaya standing there. Her black hair tied in a bun. I can feel myself going numb. First Dylan and now Kaya?! And both knew my name!?

"That's me." I says smiling a bit and slapping my hands on my sides.

She smiles. She looks me up and down and then smiles at me again.

"I have a feeling we'll get along just fine." She said wrapping me in a hug like we've been friends for sooooo long.

"Thanks for the gift. I really like it." I whisper into her ear.

She pulls away and says "Dylan and Thomas made it. I only helped with the design."

I pull her back in "Still, thank you."

She hugs me tighter "No problem."

At that moment Mrs Thomsin walks in with the biggest smile on her face, but the person with the biggest smile in the whole classroom was me. I couldn't believe that Kaya and I were having a conversation!? I never thought this would happen to me in my entire lifetime! Mrs Thomsin asks Kaya to introduce herself and how she became an actor. Kaya did as she was asked and then we did the skit Mrs Thomsin gave us. I think the whole time Kaya was watching me and me only. Not to brag or anything but it felt nice that she was only watching me. It kind of took my mind off cancer.

After the skit we talked to her and just got to know her a bit more. One thing I learned for sure was that she is loud and has a great sense of humour. After class she came up to me.

"What have you got now?" She asks.

"Free period." I say.

"Do you mind if you show me around the school? This way we can have a chat." A chat?

"Sure." I smile at her but my mind is going in so many different ways.

I show her towards A block, a high building with 5 storeys all full of different classes for different reasons. Instead of taking the stairs, we take the elevator 1- because Kaya was a celebrity 2- because I'm pretty sure I would collapse because if cancer. I show her the science level, the English level, the languages level, the social studies level and the math level, the whole time talking about school subjects, makeup, hairstyles, boys the typical kind of girl stuff.

When we were on our way back down she broke out a statement that surprised me to a very high extent.

And that statement is this:
"I want you to audition for the part of Brenda." She says calmly.

I gape at her. Did I hear that right?! I give her a questioning look. She looked back at me and her face read dead serious.

"Why?" I ask her finally.

"Because your a good actress and you suit Brenda. Also it'll be nice to hang out with you. There are hardly any girls on set and if there are they all tend out to be boring." She says.

"But I don't have the money-"

"Acting you pay a slight amount and then you get most back," She says cutting me off "besides," she says looking at me with mischief in her eyes "I'll pay for you."


"No buts. You are playing Brenda and that's final."

"But-" she cuts in again.

"Ah!" She says raising a finger in warning.

"But I-"

"Ah ah!"

I sigh "Okay, but I'm not THAT good."

The elevator stops and we walk out into the corridor talking about all the things that I need to prepare. I'm not looking where I'm going which isn't very good for me since I create an accident every where I go. I bump into someone and they grab my shoulders.

"Sorry." I say not looking up.

One of the hand let go and lifts up my chin. Eddies face is right there.

"Hey clumsy." He says.

"Hey stalker." I say grinning.

A cough from beside me brings me back to reality. I smile at Kaya.

"Kaya this is my brother Eddie. Eddie Kaya." I say gesturing between them.

"Brother eh? By the way you were holding her I would of thought Boyfriend." She says shrugging.

"We're very close." Eddie says.

"I can see that." Kaya says.

There is a lot of tension. And then I realise. I smile at Eddie. He was looking at Kaya dreamily. He looks away and looks at me.

"See you at home." He says to me.

He looks at Kaya with the slightest hint of red in his cheeks. He nods and scoots off.

"What was that all about?" Kaya asks.

"I think he might have a crush on you." I say.

We look at each other and burst out laughing. I was going to enjoy this so very much.

Hey guys!
So... It's a very long chapter but I purposely did it that way. This way I can jam pack more stuff in.
Ohhhhh I can't wait till you see what happens!!!! I have it all planed out! The drama is going to start in the next few chapters so get ready for some tears, screams (most at me) and some fun that we will enjoy. There are a few swear words, warning you now.
Thanks for reading this far!

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