Chapter 10

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Kaya gives me her number and I take it looking at it in awe. She just giggles at me. It comes time for her to leave and I say goodbye.

"Meet me at the pub? Tonight?" She asks.

"Sure thing." I say smiling.

Kaya was inviting me to go to the pub with her! My heart raced and danced about, thrilled that Kaya and I were friends, but was it just because of cancer? Would she of liked me if I didn't have cancer?

The rest of the day was a dream. I did well in all classes and had the best lunch in the world. The bell went for end of last period and everyone went racing out. I stayed behind so I wouldn't be pushed and shoved. I walk to my locker thinking about what I should wear tonight, a smile on my face the whole time. I put my books in my locker and walk to the main entrance doors with my keys and phone.

I look through the glass doors to see Eddie walk up to Jack who is standing next to his bike, and start talking. It all looks fine until Eddie throws a fist at Jack and slams in right in the jaw. I watch in shock at had just happened. Jack throws a punch at Eddie, getting him in the stomach. I snap out of my daze and push the glass doors open. Shouting hits my ears. Eddie is about to hit Jack again when I come running into the middle.

"Stop it the both of you!" I tell over top of their voices, holding my arms up.

They stop fighting but glare at each other in pure hatred. I look at Eddie in the eyes. Blood is staining his shirt a little. His eyes fall to my mine and he gives a sad look. I shake my head disapprovingly. I turn to Jack who was looking at the ground with blood dripping in a steady beat- drip, drip, drip. He looks up and his eyes are watering. Why is he crying?! I'm the one who should be crying!? I walk away boiling with rage. I txt Kaya saying I'll meet her at the pub a bit sooner that expected.

I needed to get drunk, pronto.

Jack's POV

Ella and I really hit it off. She is an amazing girl and I will wait for as long as needed to get her to love me. We got to school and went our separate ways. The rest of the day was a blur. All I could think about was Ella. The end of the day came and I was grabbing my bike smiling to myself. Eddie walks up at a fast pace.

"Jack we need to talk." he says in monotone.

"Go ahead." I say challengingly.

He glares at me "It's about Ella."

I stiffen.

"What about her?" I ask trying to sound like I don't care.

He ignores me and continues. "She looks happy with you..." "...Her cancer..." lets just say I wasn't really listening. I was well aware that Ella was watching us from the glass doors, then suddenly a fist hits me in the jaw with full force.

"Are you even listening to me?!" He yells and my blood starts to boil.

Before I can stop myself my fist goes flying into his stomach. He bends over clearly hurt. I touch my forehead to find that he had made me start bleeding. I looks at me twitching like a mad man. He lifts his hand and is close my eyes.

"Stop it the both of you!" Ella screams.

I look at the ground to ashamed to look at her. I chance at her to see her eyes glaring at me. Tears start to swell in my eyes and I hastily wipe them away. I sure looked like a baby. Crying front of my crush. She walked away from us fuming with anger, I had most likely lost her trust in me. God I needed a drink right now...


So a lot of drama has happened...
Tell me what you think of Jacks POV? I thought it would be cool to see what he saw through his eyes. This chapter is a bit rushed because I'm writing this quite hastily. The fun begins next chapter so keep an eye out!

Dedication goes to DevilishingDiva for 1- dedicating me in her story and 2- for just being an amazing person. Keep writing! <3

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