Chapter 6

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I sit in my social studies seat and put my head in my hands. Mr Subsman let me off when he heard what happened. He told everyone to stay put for 5 minutes while he sorted 'stuff' out. I think about what happened in the corridor and about what Jack had said. I knew it wouldn't work, what with me having cancer and could die any minute now, but some part of me screamed with joy that someone was finally looking at me in that way.
I got a tap on my shoulder and Lilly (the girl who always sits next to me in social studies) waves and mouths a 'you okay?'. I nod and smile at her. Of course I wasn't okay! My life just kept getting more and more difficult!

Mr Subsman walked in 5 minutes later and was filled by Jack who completely ignored the whole class and sat at the back of class. His friends asked him what happened but he ignored all of them and when they did the 'wet willy' on him he merely slapped them and then got on with his work. I was amazed.

The last period went super slow, or maybe it was because I was thinking to much. I went to my locker at the end of the day and Eddie was waiting there for me. He didn't ask any questions just told me to get my stuff and then come home with him. I didn't disagree knowing that Eddie was only trying to help. I grabbed my homework and walked with Eddie to his car. We drove in silence and when we got home I went straight up to my room to do homework.

I hear low shouts coming from the lounge. I bet their arguing about me and Jack. Someone stomps up the stairs and bangs on the wood of my door. If they banged any harder I bet my door would fall down. Without me saying they burst into the room. It was Jake, the most protected out of the three of them. He walked up to me in a huff.

"I never said you could come in." I say calmly.

"Why?" He says.

"Why what?" I say playing it dumb.

Jake obviously knew what I was doing and fumed with anger. A small smile played on my lips.

"Why did you it?"

"I didn't do anything." I say sitting down on on my desk chair.

"Why did you kiss him?!"

I give him a death glare.

"I didn't kiss him he kissed me." I say through clenched teeth.

"That's not what I heard-"

"Well then you heard wrong!" I shout at him.

Why did people think that I kissed him?! Do they not understand that I'm not like other stuck up girls who are so desperate that they would kiss a guy they liked just for attention!
He looks at the ground. When he looks back up he has tears in his eyes. I shake my head as tears start to come blurring my vision.

"Please...don't..." I start but I can't seam to finish.

"Just...tell me....why?" He says through tears.

"I can't because there is nothing to tell." I say wiping my tears away.

"That's a lie." he says pointing at me, still crying.

I close my eyes "Get out of my room Jake."

"No! I refuse to leave until I get an answer!"

"JAKE GET OUT!" I yell getting impatient.


I sigh and reply calmly and ask again "Jake, please get out of my room?"

He sighs as he knows I'm not going to spill. He exits without another word, slamming the door behind him. I put my head in my hands and think.

My life is horrible. I hate school, I have Jack who (apparently) is in love with me and then to top it all off I have f***ing cancer! And because of that I can do dance! I am a mess...

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