Chapter 15

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I instantly put the locket on. It's shaped like a heart with a picture of Thomas Sangster on the front and Kaya on the back. I won't open it just yet, I'll wait for Eddie to come home from school. I carry on watching only getting up to go to the toilet. I watch sad movies after The Maze Runner. I don't know why I just felt... depleted. At around 4:30-5 (wasn't looking) I hear the door open and close. I throw the covers of me and climb down the ladder, jumping the last two rungs. I swing my door open turn the corner and run into Eddie. Literally. I knocked him over and fell on top of him.

"Hi." not even winded. He is a nice landing.

"Get off me Silly." he says with a wheeze, but he's smiling.

I roll off him and lie down next to him. We must look pretty weird, lying down in the corridor. Taking up the whole pathway. Staring at the ceiling. There is silence between us, but it's a comfortable silence.

"Have you opened the locket?" Eddie asks.

"No." I say still looking at the ceiling.

Eddie sits up and I follow. He reaches over my neck and unclips the locket from my neck. He holds it in his hand hesitating for a split second. He pushes a button and it pops open. In the first picture is us. Mum, Jake, Daniel, Eddie and I. We're all laughing in what looks like a park. I'm wrapped in a towel and the memory comes back.


I'm sitting next to the lake in New Zealand. It was sunset and we were eating fish and chips. Mum, Eddie, Jake, Daniel, Jack and I were all sitting and eating. Eddie and Jack head off for a walk of some kind. Jake and Daniel were smiling to each other like they had shared some secret that only they knew. They turn to me. The one sitting closest to the pond.

"So Ella, would you like a swim?" Jake asks.

Before I have a chance to reply I'm plummeting into the cold duck filled pond. When I rise to the surface everyone is laughing, even mum. Walk out and chase Eddie down, tackle him and then tickle him unilateral he surrenders. I do that to everyone except mum.

"Wait! I have to get a picture." Jack says.

He takes the photo when we were all laughing. Sadly he never gave us that photo.

(End of flashback)

That was a fun day. And trip for that matter. In the next picture was me. Just me. I was under a tree in Australia. I was about 8-9 and I was right next to the beach. I was reading a book my hair creating a curtain between the sun and my page. I look so peaceful. Jack was on that trip too. He must of taken the photo and not shown me. He was always good at photography.

"Why did you get photos of me and Jack?" I ask.

He frowns.

"I didn't." He says looking up at me.

"Then who-"

"Jack." He says cutting me off.

It must of been the post that he sent to me.

"He said he saw you in the pub the last night. Who was that guy you were with?" He continues.

"I don't know, Kaya's friend. He gave me his number and I tried calling him but he didn't pick up." I explain.

"Okay, that's enough questions for one day." He says standing up holding out his hand for me take.

I am too tired to argue about the locket so I take his hand and he pulls me up. We walk to my sit on the floor with my laptop and watch mean girls. Half way through the movie I fall half-asleep on Eddie's shoulder. I hear the movie switch off and the laptop lid closing. Then I feel him lifting me up and onto my bed which would be quite hard but he does it with ease. He lifts the duvet over me and kisses my head.

"See you in the morning darling." he says softly.

And then he left the room. I fell into a deep sleep as soon as he left...


When I wake in the morning there is sound coming from the kitchen. Banging and clanging of pots and pans and the slight hum. Mum. I push the duvet off me and tip toe to my door. The humming is coming up the stairs now taking what I think is a left and then a right leading to my room. I run to my bed and climb under the cover. The humming stops at my door. Silence follows. There is the sound of a plate being put on the hard wood floor. The person leaves really quietly but the wood floor makes a squeak and I know their leaving.

I let them leave. I look at my alarm clock. Only 7. I fold the duvet off me and climb down the ladder. The carpeted floor feels nice on my feet. I open the door and to no surprise to find breakfast on the floor. It consisted of eggs, toast, bacon, a pancake with whipped cream, golden syrup, grilled banana and fresh strawberries. Along with the food was a drink of tea. Liquorice with no milk or sugar, just honey. There is also a flower in a cup.

"Thank you." I mumble into the hallway.

Not expecting a reply I jump when someone says "Your welcome."

I look up and see Jack standing there with Eddie's arm slung across his shoulder. They are both smiling and I can't help but smile too.

"You guys did this?" I ask them louder this time.

"Yep-" Eddie cuts Jack off.

"And proud of it." Eddie says smiling.

His smile is going from ear to ear and suddenly I'm worried this is a prank. I put my hands on my hips.

"I'm not that dumb you know." I say with some volume "I know this is a prank."

Eddie's smile drops.

"Now why would you think that?" He asks slyly.

"Because you're my annoying brother who likes to play pranks on her little sister. And you," I say turning to Jack, "You because you just are that kind of guy."

Strangely Jack doesn't even flinch at my insult. He jut shrugs his shoulders.

"Better than nothin'." He says.

"Well I can reassure you that this is not a prank." Eddie says.

He has this look where I know if he's lying or not and he isn't lying. I pick up my tray and smell my flower, but as I do a whole lot of milk comes out and My whole upper body is drenched.

Hey guys!
So long chapter I know but I haven't been updating lately so I decided to do a long chapter to make it up to you.
I haven't been posting regularly and I'm sorry I'm just really busy and I am writing a new book so I am pretty full on. Sorry for the flashback I just wanted you to get the idea of what happened that day.

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