A Long-Awaited Revelation

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I backed away from my father with rage clouding my vision.

"How dare you say that about my mother! She was ten times the don you'll ever be in your life!" I shouted.

"Exactly why I killed her." Dad said bluntly.

I growled under my breath and clenched my fist.

I'm not gonna let him get away with saying that about Mom...!

Clenching my fists tighter, I ran up to my father and threw a powerful punch. Then, Eric stepped in front of my father and caught my punch.

"Let go of me, Eric!" I hissed.

"As if I'm gonna let you hurt the boss." Eric said.

"He's not the don anymore, Eric. I am, and I order you to release me and get outta my way..."

Eric then let out a hearty laugh.

"As if I'm gonna listen to you. As if anyone is gonna listen to you. Just because you're the new don and all, doesn't mean these people are gonna follow you. The mafia may be yours, but your father's men are under his rule, includin' me. Meanin', we don't have to do a damn thing you tell us." Eric said.

My eyes widened slightly.

Damn! He's got a point. This is my mafia and my organization now, meanin' I'm gonna have to rebuild this mafia from the ground up... Wait, that's it!

"Let go of her, Eric!" Ian growled, walking up to us.

Before Ian could reach us, two of my father's men grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Get off me, you bastards!" Ian said.

"Let him go!" I cried.

"Aw, afraid your lil' boy toy's gonna get broken?" Eric asked, his grip tightening around my fist.

I sucked my teeth as I silently winced in pain.

Geez... Idiot's got one hell of a grip. Almost as good as my old man's... I wanna use my powers, but I don't wanna expose myself as Valkyrie... Guess I'm fightin' my way outta this one the old fashioned way.

Breathing out, I kneed Eric in the crotch. He instantly released my hand and winced in pain. I lifted my foot and stepped on Eric's head, forcing him on the floor.

"Get off me!" Eric cried.

"Now ya know how I feel." I said, putting more weight on his head.

Eric let out a groan and tried to get up.

"Kalani, get your kid offa me!" Eric cried.

My father looked at me before looking down at Eric.

"Good, Gladia. Assert your dominance. You just might crack his skull if ya not careful." Dad said.

"I'd rather avenge my mother than kill this SOB." I said.

Kicking Eric to the side, I stepped up to my father and glared at him.

"You have absolutely no right to talk about my mother that way." I growled.

"And what's someone like you gonna do to someone like me? Just like Eric said, you have nothing. You're all on ya own." Dad said.

I slightly bowed my head and sighed.

"You're wrong, old man. I ain't alone." I said looking back at Ian.

Ian nodded with a kind smile.

"Which is exactly why I'm disbandin' the mafia and shuttin' down the organization." I said.

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