A Lover and A Fighter

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Damn it! I should've used my powers! Damn me and goody-two-shoes heart...

I breathed out as I glanced at the two men next to me.

"Where y'all takin' me?" I asked.

"You should already know the answer to that, sweetheart." said the driver.

Worth a try... If I try to use my powers now, I'll probably end up flippin' this entire car over if I'm not careful.

When the car stopped, I looked out the window to see that we were at a light. I sighed and slumped in my seat.

Where are ya, Ian...?

"Dia, it's Ian. Are ya there?" said a familiar voice in my ear.

My eyes widened.

"Yeah, I'm here," I whispered.

"Where are you? I'm tryna track your earpiece, but it's blocked," he said.

"In the car between two of my old man's goons. Most likely headin' to the compound that's here in Haran. Ya know where it is?"

"'Course I know where it is. My damn brother spearheads that branch of the organization..."

That's right... Eric's my old man's right hand. If I wasn't born, Eric would've been the new don... He's just as wicked...

"So, ya know where we're gonna be?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll come get ya outta there." Ian said.

Before I could get another word out, everything was silent. I turned my head to the window and let a sigh escape my lips. When the car came to a halt, I saw that we were in a garage. When the car door opened, the guy on my right shoved me out of the car. When I stepped out of the car, I was met with a young man that looked like Ian, but older. Immediately, I knew who it was.

"Gladia! Long time to see." Eric said.

This idiot...

"The feelin' ain't mutual, Eric..." I shot back.

Eric grinned and walked up to me.

"Aw, c'mon Gladia. Don't be like that. Where's that old spark we used to have...?" Eric said caressing my cheek.

Growling, I turned my head and bit down on his hand. Eric groaned and removed his hand away from me. I smirked at him whilst I licked the red that stained my teeth. Eric growled and winced in pain, soon smirking at me.

"Let's get one thing straight. You and I never had a spark, and I never liked you." I said.

"Oh, but you like my bastard-of-a-brother though, don't you?" he asked.

His words caught me by surprise.

"Thought so. Now, let's go wait in my office for your father to arrive. I have many things I wanna discuss with you in private," Eric said.

"Like I told your brother, that man ain't my father! And never will be!" I shouted.

"All the more reason for him to make me the new don."

Yeah right...

"You really think my old man is gonna make you, of all people, spearhead his mafia? Hah! Don't make me laugh," I commented.

"Why would he make a runaway-of-a-daughter like you be the new don anyway?" Eric asked.

"Lemme ask you a question, Eric..."

I walked up to the older Goodwin and grabbed him by the collar.

"Here's the difference between you and me... I'm my old man's daughter, the heiress to the mafia and the organization. You, my friend, are just his right hand. In hindsight, I'm really the one who's second-in-command... Now, who do ya think he's gonna make the new don? Blood is far thicker than water..."

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