University Life

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10 Years Later...

"...And Charmaine Holton." said my teacher, Ms. Scott.

I raised my hand and my teacher nodded. When she turned around, my History class began.

Now, I know what you're gonna say, "Why apply with your mother's name instead of your birth name?" You do realize that if I'm found by my father or his mafia, I'm dead, right? I'm not takin' any chances...

"Now, who can tell me how Bellmoral City's seven districts got their names?" Ms. Scott asked.

I raised my hand and my teacher pointed at me.

"Bellmoral City's seven districts are in fact named after the seven Indian tribes that used to inhabit this land: Black Ridge, Alryne, Haran, Wanborne, Red Hawk, Copper Band, and Feral Wolf. After their passing, the explorers made it known that whoever finds this land after them, let the seven areas be named after the Native tribes." I said.

"Precisely, Ms. Holton. Well done." Ms. Scott said.

I smiled and thanked my teacher. Half an hour passed, and the class was over. Gathering my belongings, I walked out of the classroom and sighed. My head turned to the sound of loud chattering. There, I saw three light-skinned girls conversing by some lockers.

Probably gossipin'...

"Did you hear the great news? Auditions for the Talent Show are this afternoon!" said one of the girls.

"I know! I really want Rex Lockwood to notice me." said another.

Talent Show...? No thanks. I'll stick with what I got, thank you...

Walking into the music room, I saw that it was empty. Sighing, I put down my backpack and walked over to the guitar section. Picking up a classic acoustic, I strummed a chord and began to play.

"God of creation. There at the start. Before the beginning of time. With no point of reference. You spoke to the dark. And fleshed out the wonder of light. And as You speak, a hundred billion galaxies are born. In the vapor of Your breath the planets form. If the stars were made to worship so will I. I can see Your heart in everything You've made. Every burning star a signal fire of grace. If creation sings Your praises so will I!"

The chords and lyrics corresponded well with one another. When I played the last chord and sang the last lyric, I heard someone clapping. Looking up, I saw a copper-skinned middle-aged man with silver hair, wearing a navy blue suit.

"That was lovely, my dear girl!" he complimented.

"Oh, thank you. I thought no one was here." I said.

"I'm always in my office, waiting for someone to walk in and either sing, play an instrument, or both. Clearly, you can do both, my dear."

I sheepishly smiled and thanked the man.

"Jonah Harrington. I'm the music teacher here at Gladiolus University. A pleasure, my dear," he said, holding out his hand.

"Charmaine Holton. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Harrington." I said, shaking the man's hand.

"You must audition for the Talent Show. You'll get accepted for sure."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I like playin' and singin' alone. I don't live to impress others but God." I said.

"Amen to that. Well, it is your decision. If you ever change your mind, let me know, and I'll put in a good word for you." Mr. Harrington said.

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