An Interview and A Mission

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Snapping back to reality, I looked out of my dorm window and saw that it was already dark.

Geez, how long was I daydreamin' for...?

Checking my phone, the time read 9:47.

Seriously...!? It was only 3:52 the last time I checked...! Maybe I should take a break from flyin' past the clouds. Turnin' me into an airhead...

Changing into my pajamas, I got into bed and started scrolling through the social media world. Almost everything I saw was about Valkyrie.

Sheesh, it's only been four years, and Valkyrie's the biggest thing in the city. I read some posts on Instagram saying that some people were going to visit Bellmoral City just to meet me. I'm honored, but I don't want these people to spend their hard-earned cash just to see me... I feel kinda selfish...

Putting my phone down, I turned on my side and sighed.

Tomorrow at noon, I'm supposed to be goin' to a talk show for an interview. I gladly accepted the invitation, but on the condition that they didn't ask me about the mafia or the Coremala Organization. Don't want to give up my secret identity, especially if you-know-who is gonna be watching...

Breathing out, I finally went to sleep.

Gotta let the headmaster know I won't be here.

When morning came, I got out of bed, washed up, put on my clothes, gathered my things, and walked out of my dorm. Walking out of the small house, I made my way to the school building.

"Hey! Charmaine!" shouted a voice.

Turning around, I smiled when I saw Carmen.

Glad to see she's doin' okay.

"Mornin' Carmen. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm good, thanks! You?" she asked.

"I'm doin' okay, I guess. I just got a big interview for this school in Copper Band."

Carmen's hazel eyes widened in surprise.

"In Copper Band!? That's one of the richest districts, after Feral Wolf, of course." Carmen said.

Gee, wonder why...?

"You must be really smart to be asked for an interview at Copper Band. Do you know what school?" Carmen asked.

"Pennywood Academy, I think." I said.

"Wow... Wish I was as smart as you."

Her comment made me smile. The two of us talked all the way to the school building until we reached the lockers.

"Well, I gotta get goin'. I need to tell the headmaster I won't be here. Later, Carmen." I said with a wave.

"Bye, Charmaine!" Carmen cried with a wide grin.

Her grin made me smile wider. Once I arrived at the headmaster's office, I knocked on the wooden door.

"Enter." said a voice from the other side.

Opening the door, I saw the headmaster of Gladiolus University, Kendrick Silverstein. His striking gray eyes looked up at me and smiled.

"Ah, Charmaine! Welcome! Please, sit." Mr. Silverstein said, gesturing to the seat in front of him.

Nodding, I sat myself down in the brown leather chair.

"So, what can I do for you, my dear?" Mr. Silverstein asked.

"I wanted to inform you that I will be going to Pennywood Academy for an interview after my morning classes," I said.

"You're not thinking about leaving Gladiolus, are you?"

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